August 15, 2019

Olivia's Birthday & first snow cones

My niece Olivia turned 4 in July and this is the first year we have been in the same town to celebrate with her! Her baby brothers were due the week after her real birthday so they had a party for her a couple weeks early. I love this age so much because they count down every single day since their last birthday until it is their special day. Olivia was no exception and you could see the excitement all over her face! She was counting her presents when we got there and anxiously awaiting all the kids to come so they could go swimming together in her pool. Loved celebrating this girl!

When we asked what she wanted, we were told a crown because she loves to play dress up so we got her an Elsa dress and her very own sparkly crown to go with it. Birthday princess!

Olivia has the best taste in the world and had an ice cream cake with these adorable mini cones around the outside. Each kid got to pick one and both Liam and Lyla were in heaven!

All the cousins and one of Olivia's friends ...

On her actual birthday we were in the middle of all the kids taking swimming lessons together at the Meridian Pool. They have a community park in the same parking lot with a snow cone shack that was set up on the corner. Every day the kids would ask for snow cones and I promised to take them to get one on Olivia's birthday so that's what we did. It was Lyla's very first snow cone! She wasn't sure what to think of it at first, a bit too cold for her but after dumping half of it in the grass and being left with mostly just juice, she was a BIG BIG fan! haha

Of course he chose light blue, his favorite color. ;)

Cheers to celebrating birthdays with summer snow cones!

Happy Birthday Olivia! Hope you had the most special one yet!!! XO

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