August 12, 2019

10 things

1. R O A R I N G   S P R I N G S

We have been making the absolute MOST out of our season passes this summer! It doesn't matter how many times we've been, they get so excited to go again! I did however quickly learn not to bring water otherwise Lyla never leaves her lawn chair. haha

Surf's up, merman!

Lyla loves this slide because she can do it all by herself. She ends up neck deep when she gets to the bottom and is so proud of herself when she stands on her own. Speaking of proud ... I could not be more proud of Liam this summer! After only 3 weeks worth of swim lessons he bravely puts his face in the water and lets things splash on his head without freaking out. Such a change from last year!

We even got a solo date night at the waterpark and I think it was one of the most fun dates we've ever been on together! We ran from ride to ride (Viper's Vortex being our favorite!) until the place closed down.  

2. S U N D A Y S

Somehow overnight Liam turned into a teenager ... he looks so grown up lately! I'm not going to lie, Sundays at church with these two are exhausting for Nic and I. But I wouldn't trade it because they are my biggest blessings of all!

My adorable little spitfire in her Sunday best! Everyone adores watching her at church. When they pass around the bread and water, the second she drinks it she tries standing up on a chair or our laps and starts chanting, "MORE!" haha

Trying to keep these goofballs entertained ... this particular Sunday was with pipe cleaners around the ear!

The very occasional and absolutely heavenly Sunday nap ... she looks like the sweetest of angels!

3. B U B B L E    G U N S

The very first week of summer I looked at both kids hanging off each of my legs like monkeys and squawking at each other every five seconds (it was only 8 am) and I loaded them up in the car and headed to my happy place. No better place in town to find entertainment than the Target toy aisles! haha I let them each pick out a bubble gun and they've had hours of fun with them ever since ... summer crisis averted! phew!

She absolutely adores him ...

Her ... blowing bubbles at rocks
Him ... blowing bubbles in my face
Pretty typical!

Oh brothers! haha

4. R U E

Poor Rue's eyes have struggled for a while now but got bad a couple weeks ago. I took her in for a quick vet visit and it turns out we needed to eliminate pellets from her diet completely. They just don't help her teeth stay filed down like hay does and the roots have grown up toward her eye. Thankfully they've shown a lot of improvement since!

It's tough to say if she is snuggling Lyla's foot or shrinking in terror that any moment she'll be chased, sat on, or have her ears pulled by her. Lyla is clearly still learning the word 'gentle'.

5. N U T E L L A

I bought this on a whim to get Liam to try something new and it turns out it was the biggest hit ever! I stepped away for TWO SECONDS and they completely covered themselves in it! haha

6. F A T H E R ' S    D A Y

I feel terrible I'm not devoting a whole post to this but for some reason this is the only picture I could find from Father's Day. The kids gave him a new tie with their picture on the back and Lyla made him this sticker-covered mustache in nursery at church. We love you so dang much, Nic Williamson! SO thankful our kids have an incredible dad like you!!

7. P I Z Z A    F R I D A Y S

Every Friday she waits for 12 minutes at the oven just like this ...

Can you blame her?! Best weekly tradition ever!

8. U N C L E    B R E N    V I S I T S

For a brief few days in June, Uncle Brendan came to visit. Of course that was the one week our whole family had to get sick so we didn't get to spend a ton of time with him until the tail end of his trip. Liam had a blast shooting his stomp rocket with him in the backyard and then being packed several times to the open field behind us to retrieve the ones that sailed over the fence. WE MISS YOU UNCLE B!

9. N A P    B O Y C O T T E R

I don't know when the traditional age is that children decide they no longer need a nap but I think it should be at least Kindergarten. haha Okay maybe not that long, more like when they can have an actual 'quiet time' on their own and not need me every 2 seconds. Lyla is NOT there but boy does she think she is. She's not even 2!! It's killing me! Bless nap time!

10. L U N C H     D A T E S

We had to take a few week hiatus from our weekly lunch date at daddy's work because of swim lessons and we really missed it! I missed HIM, Liam and Lyla missed the COOKIES. Also, how cute is Liam's signature pose right now ...

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