June 5, 2019

Checking In | April

Well, it's been a while ... but my headache came back.
I should have known that was a possibility but honestly after hurting for so long, I got really hopeful when it finally disappeared! I also got super lazy about putting on the essential oils I had been using because I figured there was no need for treating something that wasn't there anymore. I'm pretty certain at this point it is hormone related (comes 2 weeks out of the month for my cycle) and increased with certain foods ... still not sure what exactly to do with that information other than recognize it is inevitable to hit around the time of the month and I need to cut back on my peanut butter, chocolate, (and maybe gluten?) around that time too. So.much.fun.

It explains once again why I haven't been on here much. Avoiding too much screen time with a headache and all but I'm getting close to my good week so I wanted to try and catch up! Starting with happenings from the month of April ...

Liam was watching a little kids cooking show on his Nick JR app during quiet time one day and they taught him how to make these race cars. ANYTIME he is willing to try a combination of something new I jump at the chance so we made them together one afternoon and they not only turned out so cute but so yummy too!

Lyla is rounding the corner on TWO YEARS OLD (someone hold me!!!) and I hadn't done a single thing in her baby book. #secondchildproblems So that became my project in April. I got a bunch of her monthly pictures printed and forgot how much I adore scrapbooking memories! It turned out so cute and was fun to go back and visit all of her firsts!

My mom also got a new couch and gave me all of her old couch pillows to recover and I made this big fluffy pink one with some of it! Liam loves it as much as I do. ;)

I know some day I'll look back on Thursday lunch dates with daddy as some of my very favorite memories. We all look forward to visiting him and nothing beats watching the kids squeal when they see him and run into his arms!! Rain or shine we go, along with our little Mary Poppins ...

I couldn't get him to wear these pajamas for more than 2 minutes on Halloween (he was freaked out that they glow in the dark?! I thought that would be the selling point) but now that it is 80 degrees and he has 5 other pair of super hero short sleeve pajamas he chose this pair to wear to pajama day at preschool! With rain boots! Oh my little jumping skeleton!

They are both obsessed with dress up and I LOVE what they come up with ...

From a play date with new friends trying edible Easter egg dying in whipped cream. It was messy but so fun!

After I took the Easter decorations down I felt the Spring cleaning bug to keep things minimal and to also bring in all the beach vibes!

Lyla got her daddy's eyes and can not see in the sun to save her life! haha She'll be winking all summer long. ;) How adorable are these two?!

Lyla has a new found love for reading! She'll climb up in her rocking chair even when I'm not sitting with her and lift the flaps on all of her books and point to the pictures.

My favorite kind of Sunday's with my favorite people ...

Lyla is obsessed with rocks! We find little piles of them everywhere ... in the stroller, on the garage steps, in the grass, sometimes they make it inside in her pockets.

She also adores her bunny (I think it's because she watches Liam love his) and that calculator is her favorite "mone" (phone)!

And she's sooooo mischievous! So much more than Liam ever was! She just learned that if she swings her leg over the top of the couch she can bail over the back (thankfully it hasn't happened) ...

But wait until you hear about her crazy antics I'm sharing with you tomorrow ...
Do I have any grey hairs yet?! haha Because if not, they're coming! 

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