March 26, 2019

A Field Trip to the Fire Station

Liam's preschool had field trips two days in a row ... the first of the two was to Chick-fil-a. haha The kids toured the kitchen, messed around with each other while the store manager tried to share facts about their business and food with them, and let them all pull the lever to make their very own ice cream cones. I'll let you take a guess of which one of those things was their favorite part. ;) Now that tour may sound pretty brief but in actuality it totaled about an hour and a half of standing around and by the end of it I was certain my arms were going to fall off from packing Lyla. haha Luckily it was followed by lunch in her own highchair where my bribe of getting Liam to actually try a chicken nugget worked and he LIKED IT!! Such a win for me! The kids ran around the play place and then I happily welcomed quiet time the moment we got home. ;)

The very next day he had another field trip to the fire station! The firefighters on duty were GREAT with kids, making them all laugh, sing, and dance as they toured their weight room, living room, kitchen, and bedrooms in a single file line. They saved the best part for last, the fire truck! I loved that Liam wanted to hug his sister for this picture ...

They all got to sit in the back of the fire truck (Liam was a little disappointed it wasn't the driver seat like his 3rd birthday) but they all got a fire hat to take home and had their first simulation experience of "stop, drop, and roll!" Imagine about 15 kids trying to roll OVER THE TOP of each other and you have a pretty perfect picture of what that moment really looked like. haha

Such a cute class with the sweetest teacher around! 

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