December 4, 2018

FOUR year old Liam

Pictures from his 4th birthday in October ...

L I A M    R E X   A T   F O U R

weight ... 41 lbs. 85%
height ... 41 in. tall 66%

Bananas with peanut butter.
Scooby Doo.
Meow (his stuffed bunny).
Building with legos. 
Super heroes, especially Iron Man.
Wearing only underwear.
Calling himself 'Liam Rex'

Being in a room alone. 
Textures (mostly with food).
Trying new foods.
Going to the bathroom.
Loud noises (covers his ears).
When we tell him his last name is Williamson (no idea why). haha

Love/Hate Relationship

Screamed through his 4 year old shots.
Never lets you forget he is FOUR now, very proud of that fact. And that he had a birthday!!
Chooses his favorite tv shows over movies.
Can write his first name, tell us his colors, and counts to about 23 with a few random numbers mixed up in the teens, 
Has the cutest singing voice, especially when he sings Let it Go from Frozen.
Favorite thing to do is freeze dance or freeze tag (also his favorite part about preschool).
Has made several new friends here ... Everett, Tate, and Nico.
Has a hilarious warped view of time, "yeah mom, like in 10 days"
Every meal is called "dinner" (we're working hard on that one).
Plays with playdoh just about every day lately.
Loves to tell stories and speaks adorably slowly while doing so making sure you don't miss a single detail.
Requires 2 stories, a song, a prayer, and a made up story called "Liam the Knight" before he will even consider going to sleep.
No longer takes naps.
So good with his sister and always the first to make her laugh.
Loves to snuggle and slaps his legs together whenever he tries to get cozy or fall asleep.

Liam has the sweetest and silliest disposition about him! Everyone he meets tells me that too. He is often the comic relief in our house with the silly things he says or comes up with. haha He is as stubborn as they come and knows just how to push our buttons sometimes but he is quick to say I'm sorry when he is in the wrong and so good to forgive when we struggle to be patient. He randomly stop what he is doing all the time and say, "mom, dad, I love you". I love that about him so much! It's always hard on me watching my babies grow up ... like lately when he went to his first play date by himself at someone else's house and his first birthday party alone too. The bigger he gets the more time we spend apart because of school, friends, etc. but I know I'll always feel how much he loves me. When the days are long and surrounded in legos, I've had to remind myself that one day he will no longer want or ask me to play with him anymore. So I'm soaking up every single day he is four! Such a fun age!

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