November 5, 2018

Halloween 2018

Happy Monday! It's a little crazy to me that not only is Halloween already over but the whole month of October has come and gone with it! Halloween was our first holiday in our new house and it was the best one yet! Liam was at the perfect age this year to completely understand and be so excited for trick-or-treating and Lyla entertained us all with her candy obsession. haha Between getting everyone fed and out the door, it was such a whirlwind that Nic and I didn't end up having the time to get dressed up with them but my mom joined us for the fun and came straight from work where she dressed up as R2D2 from her department theme. Liam LOVED it! We had leftover chili and cornbread (my best idea ever because #nocooking!) and got the kids ready as fast as we could.

Our favorite super hero, Iron Man and our favorite farm animal, piggy ... 

Liam wanted to be Iron Man from the moment he saw this costume in Costco clear back at the beginning of September. I was worried he'd get sick of it by the time Halloween actually came but he has worn his "suit" as he likes to call it every single day since the day he got it and has still asked to wear it every day, even after Halloween. I don't think Iron Man is going anywhere any time soon. ;) Thanks to his papa who sent it in the mail to him after the Costco here was out of his size. And I just could not resist this pig costume for Lyla! It fits her food loving spirit so much right now and she looks pretty cute in head to toe pink!

The very first house Liam went up to he yelled, "TRICK-OR-TREAT", without ringing the door bell yet or anything and we were all dying laughing!! It was so funny! 

How cute is she?! So proud of herself carrying her own bucket ...

Pure entertainment all night long, this one. The very first house she wouldn't even let Nic put her piece of candy in the bucket ... it had to be eaten immediately! Her hand never left a piece of candy or the inside of her bucket the rest of the night. haha Luckily she got a package of m&m's near the beginning and it took her most of the time to eat them all. 

They hold hands a lot lately and it melts my heart. Liam is an incredible big brother! He'll hold her hand in the back seat of the car if she is crying or when he is taking her to try something new ... like her first time trick-or-treating.

I'd say about 50% of our neighbors weren't home but most left a bowl of candy on their porch. We set Lyla down and let her choose her own candy from this bowl and you should have seen her face!!! Lit up like a Christmas tree, it was the most adorable thing ever! So cute that she had to have one for each hand ...

We went to every single house in our little neighborhood (introducing ourselves to most of them for the first time. The perfect opportunity to meet some new neighbors!) before finally heading inside just as it was getting pretty dark. We said goodbye to my mom and the kids couldn't WAIT to dump out their buckets and see what was inside ... (that piggy tail kills me!)

We gave Liam his to dump out first and Lyla immediately went sprinting to his pile before we could dump out hers. haha He spent the rest of the night super concerned Lyla was going to take his candy!

We also left our bowl of candy that we bought for the neighbor kids out on our porch while we were gone and we came back to it filled to the brim and no more trick-or-treaters after coming inside so now we have candy that will last us the next century! Ask me how I feel about it when I got woken up the next morning at 6 am by a certain boy demanding his first piece of candy for the day ... 

My little candy queen ... even if we wouldn't let her eat anymore she still refused to let go of one candy bar in each hand ...

And that belly button sticking out!!

Love them so much! They make holidays absolutely magical!

And we can't forget Rue the witch! ;) Super thrilled with her costume! 

I took these pictures earlier on in the month before our pumpkins were carved but never had the opportunity to share them. Shows Liam's personality perfectly, silly as can be!

Hope you had a Happy Halloween! XO

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