September 12, 2018

twelve months | letter to lyla

t w e l v e   m o n t h s   o l d

weight ... 24 lbs. 92%
height ... 30.5 in. 83%
head circumference ... 18.5 in. 92%


Pooping in the bath.
Carrying something in each hand when she walks around.
Chewing on socks.


Getting her face wiped.
When Liam takes a toy from her.
Car seat.


Lyla has gotten another new tooth on the top left side next to her front teeth. She learned to stand up on her own from a sitting position and is beginning to try to run to keep up with Liam. haha She points to everything in sight and while noticing a dog at the park the other day said, "ruff ruff" for the first time! She'll dance to music any time she hears it and loves making spitting sounds. She hasn't had her one year wellness visit yet so I'm not sure what she weighs but she is in size 4 diapers, size 2 shoes, and 12-18 month clothes. Those leg rolls of hers are quickly outgrowing her current car seat and she screams and cries most of the time when we are in the car now. Time for an upgrade! Her hair has gotten long enough for two little space buns on top! The sides have started curling over her ears and the back looks like a little bob hair cute. Basically it is in the cutest stage right now!


Lyla sleeps through the night from 7 to 7 and takes one 3 hour nap during the day from noon to 3.

| EAT |

Lyla is beginning to get more picky with foods, particularly veggies and meat. Liam was the same way at this age and is now a super picky eater so I'm really crossing my fingers that she doesn't follow in those foot steps and continues to be willing to try new things. She LOVES fruit, especially grapes and carbs are always an easy go to. She has been learning to use a spoon and is able to lift the spoon to her mouth properly to take her own bite but could use more practice scooping a bite for herself. She eats 3 meals a day. Despite my screams, she still bites me when nursing sometimes. It's completely terrifying so as much as it breaks my heart, I'll likely need to wean her soon. Right now she is still nursing 3 times a day ... when she wakes up, goes down for her nap, and goes to bed at night.

Dear Lyla,
The night before your first birthday my mind was flooded with memories of that exact same night a year before ... your dad and I were anxiously walking the halls of the labor and delivery floor back and forth into the late hours of the night anticipating your arrival. I think the nurses thought I was completely crazy to be walking for 3 hours straight through contractions until they finally broke my water and I had to stay in the room after that but I couldn't sit still. We wrote you a letter in your baby book while we waited and talked over our list of names for the hundredth time. When you finally came into the world at 6 am the next morning and my heart filled with even more love and joy than I could imagine. You have been the brightest light in my life the last year, filling my days with your contagious smile and giggle. As your mom, I always have a hard time letting go of each stage, especially these tiny baby ones but on your first birthday, I looked over at you and smiled because I knew deep down no matter how big you get, you'll always be my baby. Not to mention, there are so many adventures ahead to look forward to ... I'll be there holding your hand on your first day of preschool and when you score your first goal or perform on a stage for the first time, I'll be there for your happiest moments and your hard heartbreaks, I'll be there to help you put on your beautiful wedding dress someday ... I'll always be there for you, no matter what. You have the sweetest spirit and I feel so lucky to be your mom! I love you Lyla Mae Williamson! Happy First Birthday beautiful girl!!!
Love, Momma


She changed so much in her first year (tears) ... I love having this collage to see just how much and to look back on each stage! Nic is thankful to be done because those chubby thighs are getting awfully heavy to hold up one handed. haha ;)

Her first birthday dress and blankie <3 p="">

So cute, mid yawn ...

Holding her own popsicle!

I hope she wants me to teach her how to play the piano someday ...

The week leading up to her birthday Lyla was sick with a cold ... I had to set her down on the bathroom rug to use the bathroom really quick and she laid down and rolled over on her tummy, poor baby (also please excuse the mess, it was laundry day so I was gathering and sorting!). 

Also from when she was sick ... she fell asleep snuggled up against me after nursing. I cherish these moments because they have become few and far between ...

Sunday snuggles ...

Having ice cream on her first birthday! Loved it so much she had to have 2 spoons because 1 wasn't getting the ice cream into her mouth fast enough. haha

Buying balloons for the birthday girl! She was happy momma brought snacks while we waited. ;)

Cutest girl in the world!!!

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