June 6, 2018

Shoshone Falls

Ever since having kids, anytime we are on a road trip we try to plow through the drive as quickly as possible. The longest we've ever traveled in a car with them is the 3 hours it take to get to Boise and even that length of time is a struggle for them. On our drive home this last trip though, we forgot to take Liam to the bathroom before we left town (parent fail) and Lyla woke up from her nap earlier into the drive than we expected so we decided to stop at the halfway point in Twin Falls. It had been since Nic was a child and I was a senior in high school that either one of us had been to the Shoshone Falls so we decided to take the kids! 

Liam loves binoculars, telescopes, pretty much anything you can look through and had so much fun seeing the falls up close ... 

Lyla was just happy to be out of the car. ;)

The falls were incredibly beautiful this time of year! They have several look out points to explore so we experienced every single one of them ... one of which was this set of stairs that led to a metal balcony where you could actually feel the mist of the falls on your face. Even though the surrounding fence was high, it was decently terrifying taking small children out on. haha Neither one of them liked the mist on their face anyway so we didn't last long. We let them explore the state park instead. Liam ran wild and free while Lyla tried to eat every piece of grass or stick in sight. ;)

I definitely learned I could use some work on my selfie game with the whole family in the shot. The sun was so bright I could hardly see what I was actually capturing but it probably wouldn't have mattered ... cut off half our heads and poor Lyla can barely see. haha A memorable family picture non-the-less!

It was definitely one of those experiences that taught me to slow down and enjoy this beautiful world in which we live. Who cares if it added on an extra hour to the car trip, right Nic?! ;) haha Making memories!!

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