December 21, 2017

Liam Says

Kids say the darnedest things, don't they?! One of my favorite things about Liam talking so much more now are the hilarious things that he has to say. Here are just a few of them lately ...

I was wearing a messy bun for the millionth day in a row and Liam looks up at it and said, "Mommy has a big ball on her head ... it's GROSS!" thankyouverymuch Liam!

Some of our best conversation of all happen in the bathroom of course. Here's one from yesterday morning ...
Liam: "Mom, I have to go poop!"
Me: "Okay Liam, let's go to the bathroom."
Liam: "3 poops mommy. I have to go THREE poops."
Me: trying to keep it together ... "Okay, 3 poops it is."
Liam: "I'll try ... grunts grunts grunts ... IT'S WORKING!!!"
Me: seriously struggling to hold it together.
Liam: stands up to assess the situation and says with disappointment ... "Oh, just 2 poops mommy."

I can't remember if I've shared this one already or not but occasionally when Lyla is crying and I'm in the other room, I'll call out to Liam to give Lyla her binkie. He LOVES helping so he always drops whatever it is he is doing and runs to help her. I happened to be in the kitchen at this time and I peek around the corner to make sure he is being gentle with her and he goes, "YaYa, it's this!" as he tries to plunk the binkie in her mouth. (He uses the words this and that to substitute for words he doesn't know or can't quite say yet by the way). She finally accepts his offering and he yells, "Okay, it's DONE!"

They just built a PetsMart in our city and we took Liam there to see the animals they had. This lady was wandering around the store with her cat on a leash and Liam was giggling and pointing at it. The lady walks around the corner and Liam goes running after her yelling behind him, "Where'd the TITTY go?!" Awesome.

Love that 3 year old of ours to pieces! He sure keeps life comical and interesting around here! ;)

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