October 3, 2017


If you read this post or know our Liam in real life, you know that he has taken his time to develop language. He knows and comprehends SO much more than he actually verbalizes but his vocabulary is growing more and more every day. In fact, it has completely exploded in the last few weeks and every day he says a handful of new words or is finally mimicking new words and I had to share my favorite one yet ...


That's what Liam calls himself. I mean, it makes sense when you think about the fact that we ask him things like, "What would YOU like for breakfast?" or "How did YOU sleep?" or "Do YOU want to go to the park?". He knows his name is Liam but it has been so cute and hilarious to hear him call himself you. A few examples of why ...

When reaching in to his snack cup to grab a goldfish cracker ... "No, Mom! YOU'S num nums!!"
(Does that remind anyone else of "Joey doesn't share food!" on a certain favorite T.V. show? ;)

Whenever he invites someone into his room ... shoves the door wide open, jumps inside with his arms in the air and shouts "YOU'S dadadada!" As if he hasn't been more proud to show you anything else in the entire world.
(dada dada by the way is the easiest sound for him to make so he says a string of it as a filler for a word he can't quite say yet like room)

When another little boy came up to him on the playground the other day, the little boy said "Hi! My name is Gavin." Liam said ... "Hi! YOU!" (pointing to himself)

When getting home from preschool this morning, he fell down at the top of our garage stairs. I asked him if he was okay and he said, "Yes, Mom mom. Da da' s shoes YOU fall!"
(He tripped over Nic's running shoes. haha)

See what I mean!! I need to capture it on video before he finally starts to say his own name because it is the cutest most hilarious thing ever!

And not entirely related to this post but a few pictures from earlier today of this sweet big brother painting a picture for his baby sister while I painted some letters of her name for her nursery ...

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