October 10, 2017

one month | letter to Lyla

Lyla turned one month old on Sunday! It has definitely been the fastest and best month of our lives!! 

A little bit about our Lyla girl at one month old ...

| L O V E S |

Being held.
The Solly Baby Wrap and falls fast asleep the moment I put her in it.
Her binkie 90% of the time.

| H A T E S | 

Makes diaper changes absolutely impossible with those scrunched up frog legs of hers.
Pooping. She grunts and grunts and gets herself all worked up over it.
Tummy time.

| D E V E L O P M E N T // G R O W T H |

Weighed 8 pounds 7.5 ounces at her first doctor visit at 5 days old and 9 pounds 1 ounce at 2 weeks old. 
Already grew out of newborn diapers (on to size 1) and most newborn clothes (now 0-3 months).
Genuinely smiled for the first time a few days ago and it completely melted my heart!!!
Seriously has the strongest neck I've ever seen in a newborn!
Her eyes look like they are beginning to turn blue.
Has long feet.
Still has a head full of dark hair that looks like it might avoid the bald patch in the back stage.
Lost her umbilical cord on day 9.
Had her first bath this month and didn't love it but has since grown to enjoy it.
Developed eczema on her face (poor girl).

| S L E E P |

The first night we brought Lyla home she slept in everyones' arms all day and evening long and then partied from 9 until 2:30 in the morning. That's when I knew she was going to have her days and nights mixed up. The next couple days after that we kept her up for periods of time during the day and now she typically sleeps 2 to 3 hour stretches during the night. 
Sleeps best when swaddled but fights it if she is awake even a little bit.
Whenever not swaddled, sleeps with her arms above her head or up by her face.

| E A T |

Girlfriend can EAT and loves to nurse!! 
My colostrum was supplemented with formula while she was in the NICU but since then, she is almost exclusively breastfed with an occasional bottle every few days. 
Her eyes are bigger than her stomach (or she just wants to be soothed) and ends up spitting up half of what she ate.
Gets the hiccups almost every feeding just like she did while I was pregnant. 

Lyla girl,
It seems like just yesterday your dad and I were in a quiet hospital room together writing you a letter in the early hours of the morning and anxiously awaiting your arrival. There is nothing quite like the special moment when you meet your child and get to hold them in your arms for the first time and while that moment for us was a scary one, I'll never forget that feeling in my heart when it grew ten sizes bigger and made you the biggest part of my world alongside your dad and big brother. I've always dreamt of having a daughter and will never forget the day when we were making a reveal video to share with our friends and family to announce that your brother was a boy. We had a pink and blue lantern that we sent up into the sky and while at the time I was completely overjoyed to be welcoming a boy into our family, I also sent that tiny pink lantern up to heaven with a silent prayer that one day we would be blessed with you. I couldn't be more thankful that dream came true because you are the perfect fit for our family. Liam absolutely adores you! You're his "Yaya". I know he'll always be there for you because even now, at only three years old, he runs to your side whenever you are sad and comforts you with your binkie while holding your hand. I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for that special bond you already share! I also see another special type of bond you have with dad. When we went to visit you in the NICU for the first time after you were born, he started whispering to you and your eyes fluttered open and looked around the room for him. You recognized his voice right away, just like you used to do with your strongest kicks when you were in my tummy. I'll never forget when he leaned over to me and said he thought we should name you Lyla. He knew deep down that it was always my favorite name for you. When you closed your tiny hand over my finger you completely captured my heart and I've never been the same since. We love you so much and that love only grows stronger every single day. Happy one month baby girl!

Love, Momma

 | O N E   M O N T H   P I C T U R E S |

Visiting her in the NICU ...

Lyla's first day at home ...

Lots of grandparents came to visit ...

Two day doctor visit ...

Right after her umbilical cord fell off (that thing smelled terrible!) and was replaced with a cute belly button ...

Two weeks old ...

Two week doctor's visit ...

Our first week without dad after he went back to work ...

Our first picture as a family of FOUR ...

Lyla's first smile, be still my heart ...

The sweetest moment and a testament of Liam's love for her when he covered her up with all of HIS blankets and his "meow" (favorite bunny that he doesn't let leave his side) ...

Lyla's first adventure, the pumpkin patch ...

Sweetest one month old bundle ...

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