July 14, 2017

Potty Training & Tooth Implants

Based on THAT ^ title, you can imagine what a FUN week it has been over here! ;) It actually started out amazing but definitely went downhill from there. Monday Liam and I had such a good day together. We didn't do anything out the ordinary (in fact, we cleaned the house) and typically we both miss daddy going back to work on that day so Mondays are never really our favorite but Liam woke up in such a good mood and he LISTENED all day long!! I don't think I heard the word "no" once. It was SO nice considering most of our days don't look like that right now, with a 2 1/2 year old and all. 

We've been "practicing" on the big boy potty for a month or two now. Going "bubbles" as he likes to call it. ;) haha Because he established a word for it and expressed great joy from receiving a handful of mini m&m's after he went each time, it was enough to make us want to go all in on Tuesday morning. The first day went GREAT! I didn't sleep at all the night before (pregnancy and major anxiety dreams) but something about the excitement of it all, he made it through the entire first day with 0 accidents!! He even pooped in his potty TWICE! There was clapping, cheering, copious m&m's all around, two new "beep beeps", and a cute little bare bum running around the whole first day! I went to bed that night feeling on top of the world, like this might not be so bad after all.

Day 2, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Immediately I knew we weren't off to the best start. It was obvious after a few minutes of asking him if he had to go that the excitement of the first day had worn off already and he no longer wanted to be asked anymore. Two hours into the morning I had already heard the word "no" about 30 times and after stepping away for 2 seconds, he pooped right on the carpet. Awesome. The positive part was that it was his only accident for that day. Up to this point I still kept him naked on the bottom half and he had gotten really good at saying, "Mom, more bubbles" when he had to pee. 

Day 3 was a real doozy. Nic took the day off work because one of my baby teeth (they never fell out as a child or had adult teeth to replace them underneath) had finally reached its lifespan and I had to have an extraction and implant put in. There really is no "fun" time to have that kind of thing done but being almost 31 weeks pregnant and having to lay flat on your back as someone drills into your gums is just about the worst timing. When I got home Nic was helping our neighbors load their Uhaul (so sad that they moved yesterday!) and Liam was happily playing in their garage with underwear on for the first time. I hadn't planned on starting that step so early but Nic said he'd asked him all morning and Liam had kept them dry! I went in to rest as the numbing started to wear off and the ache set in and felt thankful to have him home to keep an eye on Liam and take over the incessant "Do you have to use the potty?" question for me. It turned out the underwear were maybe a LITTLE premature because he peed through them and all down his legs three times that day. 

That leaves today. Today is day 4 of potty training (halfway through the day) and he has already pooped in a pair of underwear that went promptly into the garbage can because ain't nobody got time to clean that mess up and peed in the second pair. So, off come the underwear again and it looks like maybe I have to remain home bound with a naked toddler for the rest of the weekend. Thankfully day 2 of tooth implant pain isn't so bad. 

If you made it through all of that (likely only my parents and grandma haha), bless you for reading my doozy of a week! I am fully aware that potty training takes time and thankfully, time is what I have so we won't give up and continue pressing on, poop filled underwear and all! haha Hope you guys have a great weekend! XO

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