January 10, 2017

Liam's Big Boy Room Inspiration

While Liam hasn't climbed out of his own crib yet, it has felt like the time to transition him to a big boy bed for a couple months now. Such a bittersweet thing for me. As I went to tuck him in the other night, seeing how big he looked cuddled in his blankies on his crib mattress, I couldn't deny that I no longer had a baby in that crib. He has grown so much, even just in the last few months, and there is nothing I love more than watching him grow. Even if it means having to let go of those stumbling steps from when he learned how to walk for the first time or even those sweet chubby hands, feet, and tummy that are growing thinner with each passing day.

The room Liam's nursery is in now will stay a nursery for a future baby so we will be moving him down the hall to what has been our gust bedroom up until now. Double the transition, I know, but my fingers are crossed that it will go well when the time is right. His big boy room is almost ready! In fact, his mattress finally arrived on our door step last night! We have a few more things to hang and the great transition for all of his toys but it is nearly complete and we are so excited! Terrified about what the transition could mean for his napping/sleeping schedule but excited. haha

There is nothing Liam loves more than being outside! He is a typical boy ... loves dirt, rocks, sticks, exploring everything, and taking adventures. We decided that an adventure/camping theme would be perfect for his big boy room. A couple of sneak peaks and inspiration below ...

Nic built Liam's bed frame and I can't wait to show the full finished product!

Liam hasn't seen his new room yet so I'll be sure to video his reaction and share it here with you when we show him for the first time. More inspiration for an adventure/camping theme room on my Pinterest board here as well. Stay tuned for the finished room soon! XO

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