December 14, 2016

Toddler Boy Gift Guide

Coming at you with one more gift guide and I saved the best for last! Toddlers! Kids are so much fun to shop for and while we are still a year away from Liam really understanding what will happen on Christmas morning, it is still just as magical seeing his expression! Liam still isn't talking a ton and wasn't able to tell us what he wanted for Christmas this year but we know what he loves all the same! Tractors and trains and all things toddler boy ...

Train Set | Table | Jammies | Boots | Lift the Flap Bible | The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Christmas 123 | That's Not My Tractor

For a while tractors were Liam's favorite thing and he still loves them but I don't know if it was watching Polar Express over and over again or the "choo choo" sound we hear every morning from our home that is relatively close by some railroad tracks but his new favorite obsession is trains! He also loves finding little tables to sit at whenever we are at the library or mall so we thought a train table would be perfect for him this year! We got him this train set, these train tracks, and a little bitty kid table that can also be used for coloring, playdo, etc!

Liam needed some winter jammies and boots so we picked out a tractor pair and the same boots he had from last winter that we loved! Perfect for both need AND wear categories!

Like Liam's toys after every holiday, our book collection continues to grow but it is the one thing I don't mind adding to and keeping whereas when we add new toys we always donate a few of the old. Liam is getting this lift a flap Bible in his stocking this year to hopefully keep his attention for scripture reading more than my set do (not made for toddlers' attention spans haha!). We wrapped That's Not My Tractor with his tractor jammies to be opened on Christmas Eve (a tradition in our family) and The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Christmas 123 has been a favorite Christmas book that I checked out at the library this year and might have to consider adding to our collection. We are on our third (and last possible chance) to renew the book! It is definitely one he'll be sad to check back in.

Hope your Christmas shopping is winding down. I wanted to be done by now but I am still on the hunt for these blasted pajama pants for my brother that we couldn't find in any store in Salt Lake last weekend. haha Amazon it is! Thank goodness they ship super close to Christmas! I love online shopping so I hope the links in these gift guides have been super helpful! And just in case you missed it, a gift guide for the men in your life and for the gals! XO

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful gifts ideas for Toddler boys for the coming Christmas. I think you have a very good ideas of gifts. I appreciate your gits items for coming Christmas. I have checked out the prices level also and found affordable but standard gifts items. Thanks for sharing such beautiful gifts items.


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