December 9, 2016

Gift GUY-de

Happy Friday!! Today feels a bit like an extra Saturday for me because Nic has the day off work (high five for an abundance of PTO days left at the end of the year!). We are heading to Salt Lake tomorrow to see the lights at Temple Square and to finish up our Christmas shopping so I thought I would share a few gift guides over the next several days if you have any shopping left to do. 

I don't know about you but for me, one of the hardest people to shop for are the men in my life (specifically my husband) because it seems to be in their nature to go out and get the things they want/need in the moment that they come up with them leaving very few ideas left for holidays. Anyone else have a husband or dad like that?! If you are in the same boat as me, here are a few ideas ...

I always forget to check everyone's pockets before doing laundry and I accidentally washed Nic's leather wallet in his jeans. It came out all wrinkled and weathered. I felt terrible. Looks like I need to rectify my mistake with a new wallet in his stocking this year!

Every Christmas Eve growing up my family would open one present, a pair of new jimmies and a book. A new pair of sweats for the guy in your life is the next best thing and if he is anything like my husband, he'll be a fan of the new Harry Potter books. He can't wait to read them with Liam before bed when he gets older!

A new beanie for this snowy weather we've been hit with lately, a stress ball for work, a travel kit for our Boise trips, and a few more blender bottles in a million colors to choose from (because I selfishly hate washing the only one we own every day after his protein drink! haha) will all be in my husbands' stocking this year.

The biggest thing Nic wanted for Christmas is a pair of boots. You can't go wrong with any pair of shoes from North Face.

Both of our dads have birthdays really close before or after Christmas so all of our ideas have already been used up for the holiday. If you have any good ones, I'd love to hear them in the comments below! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Another fantastic and amazing gifts ideas by this blogger. Really standard and affordable gifts items for coming Christmas. Really appreciable. I think everybody should add the items for Christmas shopping. The bag and shoes are looking awesome. Lovely post and thanks for sharing.


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