November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016

The last couple of weeks leading up to Halloween have been so go, go, go that it seemed ironic when the actual holiday finally rolled around, we had very little planned. I was very thankful though because it wasn't my best day so it was nice not to have somewhere we had to rush off to. In fact, Liam and I spent most of the day in our Halloween jammies playing tractors and watching Hotel Transylvania. 

A few photos before church on Sunday ... oh how I wish I could keep him dressed up in his Sunday best all the time because look at how adorable he looks in that bowtie!

"Daddy, you're so funny!"

Rearranging mom's pumpkins like it's his job ...

When Nic got home we had leftover chili and cornbread from Sunday night before getting Liam dressed to go trick-or-treating for his first time. In the mad dash between already answering the door  to the first wave of trick-or-treaters and trying to get Liam and I ready, I managed to forget to put on Liam's face paint for his costume. A wolf without a nose, he was for the night! Oh well. By the second house he had the whole trick-or-treating thing figured out and loved every minute of it! He would help knock on the front door, then tip his head back to smile up at the stranger who opened it from the inside. He was give them his biggest grin while we said "trick-or-treat". Sometimes they would plop a treat in his pumpkin bucket and he would check inside just to make sure it was in there before smiling back up at them again. Other times if they let him choose his pieces of candy, it was always m&m's. Taking Liam trick-or-treating for the first time was the best part of my day. There is just nothing better than seeing the excitement that holidays bring in a child's eyes. My heart was so full as we all walked hand in hand as a family up and down our street together. That was about as far as we made it before Liam spotted our house and was pointing to go home. There was no complaining coming from Nic and I because it was definitely chilly last night.

When we got back home we brought our candy bowl back inside to begin answering the door to trick-or-treaters. Liam immediately plopped down and dumped out his bucket of candy and demanded that I open a piece for him right that instant! haha He had waited long enough! In fact, I was shocked he wasn't eating every piece he got between houses. Throughout the night we all consumed waaaay more sugar than one should in their lifetime. haha That means it was a successful Halloween right?! ;) We tucked our sweet little wolf into bed with his skeleton jimmies on and it wasn't but a minute before he slipped into dream land. That or a sugar coma, it's tough to say! :)

Happy Halloween from Little Red & her favorite Wolf (and also Nic who traded me jobs and was the man behind the camera all night)!

I feel bad admitting this because Liam loved every minute of it, but I am feeling happy to be saying goodbye to Halloween today. I am looking forward to a peaceful season that November brings and the more present reminder each day to reflect on the things I am thankful for in my life. I am learning that even amidst our trials in our lives, we still have so much to be thankful for and if I spend my time focused on that, I am filled with more joy. So with that said, Happy November! I am thankful for you for reading! XO

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