September 20, 2016

Liam at 23 months

In one month from today my baby will be two years old!!! He is not so much a baby anymore and reminded me of that just tonight as he climbed up on one of our kitchen chairs and demanded he eat dinner from that very spot as he stubbornly pointed his fingers at the tabletop. After dinner we went and got him his very own booster seat and put yet another "baby" thing away in storage (his highchair). I get nostalgic sometimes for baby Liam but most of the time, I embrace the milestones he reaches each day as a toddler. He has become the most fun and loving little boy I know! 

A few things about Liam at 23 months ...

F A V O R I T E S | Home & Transylvania 2 (movies), Daniel Tiger, and tumbling class.

L O V E S | playing with TRACTORS/truck/planes/balls/animals, covering his body in stickers and tape, and having story time before bed. 

E A T S | apple sauce, fruit, greek yogurt, peanut butter, pretzels, and excavates every last chocolate chip or m&m out of his cookie and tosses the rest. 

A L L   B O Y | thinks it is hilarious when he toots.

S T U B B O R N   A B O U T | wanting to fill up his own sippy cup with water at the fridge and running from me giggling when I try to gel his hair.

M O M ' S   P R O U D   O F | that he knows his animals, some colors, and can name all of his facial features, when he busts out his signature arm flapping and head shaking dance moves to Cake by the Ocean!

D A D ' S   P R O U D   O F | that he listens to things like "don't go in the road" and "hold my hand in the parking lot".

W E   L O V E   A B O U T   L I A M | his hop skippety run, that he waves and says "bye" to everyone and everything as he walks away, when he points at everything and asks "what is this?", that he grabs our hands now and guides us to what he wants help with instead of standing there grunting when he wants something he can't get by himself, and dramatically signs the word "please" with both hands rubbing his chest.

That is our oh so sweet topped with a smidgen of stubbornness Liam Rex at 23 months old. He is the best at testing my patience and challenging me as a parent but he's quick to forgive and is still my best snuggle guy. We share the same love language him and I. 

We can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you next month Liam! We have some fun surprises in store for you and it looks like I have a tractor/construction party to plan for my favorite soon-to-be two year old! 

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