September 23, 2016

Friday Favorites

TGIF could NOT be more fitting for today! After five days of constant cranky toddler meltdowns and an iPhone that fell out of my back pocket and into a unfortunate bowl of water, I could not be more ready for the weekend. And if I'm being honest, a GIANT bowl of ice cream! Most likely only one of those things will come to pass so I'll just be over here sending heart eyes to some of my favorite finds "on the line" this week. Anyone catch that movie reference?! ;)

F O R   T H E   L I T T L E S

My favorite bear ear sweatshirt that I mentioned in this post was sold out finally went back in stock in the exact size I needed it for Liam last week so I hurried and scooped one up before it was gone again! It is currently sold out in the ochre color he is wearing but they still have a few sizes left in the blue one. This is my new favorite picture of Liam and Nic together ...

I also love these astronaut and fireman costume jammies for Halloween, so much fun! I still haven't quite decided what to dress Liam up as yet. Considering this will likely be my last year that I can help pick it out I better make it a good one. ;) I have been pinning away some cute ideas but I'm also thinking a trip to the Halloween shops that just opened in town is in order this weekend!

I came across this Q&A journal for kids and think it would be so fun to do with Liam as he starts talking more! Maybe at age 3 considering we are coming upon age 2 in less than a month and he pretty much sticks to "more", "bye", and "bubble". haha

F O R   T H E   H O M E

Halloween is one of my very favorite things about fall and while it is still over a month away and fall only officially began yesterday, I won't admit that I've had my favorite shelves decorated for a few weeks now. Won't admit it at all. ;)

Speaking of fall, I want to make these felt ball acorns for my Thanksgiving shelves and these gold leaf pumpkins for our porch after our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. I am loving this porch and this porch for inspiration. I'll let you know how it turns out!

F O R   M O M M A S

This open sleeve maxi dress is so beautiful and would look really cute with a pair of booties. I am interested in trying these hi-rise jeggings (might need to be a try on in the store with these hips that don't lie), and am loving this striped peplum top. If only it was still in stock. Anyone seen something similar lately?

Cheers to Friday!!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! XO 
p.s. And one last favorite if you are in need of a good laugh because you had just as long and rough of a week as I did, you can not go wrong with Carpool Karaoke! ;) You're welcome.  

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