August 2, 2016

evenings at the wellness complex

More often then not, we've spent our evenings together this summer at our new wellness complex. It has been such a good addition to our town that now I'm not sure what we ever did without it. We go for runs on Saturday mornings on the path, climb all the grassy hills we can find there, cover Liam's legs in sand (he LOVES it!), and splash in the water!  

These days it is nearly impossible to get a picture of Liam facing me and smiling at the same time because he is such a busy body but it has also been good for me creatively because it has forced me to get out of my comfort zone a bit and focus on the details. Capturing him playing is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do.  

Liam has always needed to be carrying something in his hand wherever he goes. He found this shovel lying on the beach and while it didn't belong to us, no one seemed to miss it so I let him carry it around while we were there since I forgot his shovel at home. We left it behind of course when we left and I've never forgot his shovel since! It also makes me smile that he is left handed. :)

Liam is fearless when it comes to most things in his life. Running into the water is one of those things so we picked up this adorable life jacket at Costco the other day so that we didn't always have to be right underfoot prepared to catch him if he tripped in the water. It also has worked great for practicing swimming skills (kicking and floating on his back!)

Since he's discovered puddles on the beach, he'd almost rather play in them instead. It's like his own personal pool that he gets to be in all by himself and doesn't have to worry about getting reminded not to splash someone because he's the only one in it! haha

Liam loves burying his legs in the sand! The beach sand at the wellness complex is pretty gravely so we usually put Liam in his moccasins. They are the same ones he wore last summer when he was just learning how to walk! Those sweet little shoes have been well loved and even though they are now covered in holes on the bottoms, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to part with them. 

Love this cute face! It was too bright to open his eyes but that smile!!!

Heading back to the water to play motorboat and wash off his sandy toes before leaving.

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