August 15, 2016

chubbuck days parade

Happy Monday! I'm currently riding that same weekend high that usually gets me through most Mondays. Our little Liam was recovering from a cold most of the weekend so we tried to lay low but when Nic got back from his run on Saturday morning with news that there were people setting up chairs on the street a few blocks away from our house, we knew we couldn't miss the Chubbuck Days Parade! We've actually never been before but since we missed the 4th of July parade while we were in Meridian this year, it seemed perfect. Liam's first parade!

My mom's best friend sent Liam this tiger chair before he could even sit up yet but he is the perfect age for it now and he LOVED having his very own chair to sit in (thanks so much Janel!). It was kind of perfect too since Benny the Bengal tiger from ISU was in the parade. Liam even got to give him a hi-five!

I love this beautiful picture of the American flag. Seeing it always reminds me of all the things I am thankful for living in this country.

Liam jabbered away at or pointed to everything that passed by. He definitely wanted everyone in the parade (and surrounding us for that matter) to be sure they knew he was there. ;) 

The floats were SO great! I'm sure many were repeats from the 4th of July parade but I loved this one where everyone was dressed up as superheroes supporting the Veteran's home. 

Liam's favorite was the puppy, of course, from a car dealership in town!

When he wasn't sitting in his tiger chair he was holding his daddy's hand and I just about melted every time. These two have the most special bond and I love sitting on the sidelines to witness it.

It took a while for Liam to pick up the concept that what these people were throwing at him was candy. haha For the first little bit, Nic or I would be the ones grabbing pieces tossed at our feet. After 2 or 3 pieces of candy though he finally figured it out and it quickly became impossible to keep him out of the street whenever he eyed another piece of candy laying there beckoning to him to be picked up and eaten. haha Every piece he picked up he wanted to eat, even when his mouth was already crammed with candy. He ate SO much sugar that morning but it was a special occasion and you only live once. :)

After the parade he was an absolute WILD MAN as you can imagine. ;) One of the businesses in the parade gave him a little basketball that he kicked and chased around the house for the next hour looking something like this ...

Tornado Liam! As long as we are living here, I can see the Chubbuck Days Parade becoming an annual favorite! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too! XO

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