July 26, 2016

Liam at 21 months

I know I probably sound like a broken record every time I share one of these milestone posts because I am, like most parents, continually in awe of how fast the time goes! I can hardly believe the words "He is 3 months shy of his second birthday!" are even coming out of my mouth right now but here we are! 

Liam is so silly, so loving, and so expressive in this stage he is in right now! He absolutely wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve. We have been cherishing every moment of his silly and loving side while it lasts and ducking for cover when his overly emotional side comes out because those "terrible twos" are surfacing more and more these days and definitely right around the corner. Whenever he has his throw himself on the floor kicking and screaming meltdowns it quickly reminds me that I'm definitely not ready for that stage! Yikes!! haha Luckily it doesn't take but a few moments before he is back to being silly and loving again quickly followed by "He's so perfect!" ;) There is no one who hugs and snuggles better than Liam, it is my absolute favorite! Here's a little glimpse of the emotional side I was talking about haha ...

Some of our favorite things about 21 month old Liam ...

He scrunches his nose, furrows his eyebrows, and sticks out his lips for the ultimate angry stare down he gets when something isn't going his way. haha 

He can say several words now including ball, baby, bubble (he's got the "b" sound down for sure), ooooch (ouch), uh oh (my favorite!), and more to name a few. He still however prefers complete gibberish most of the time with a lot of doy doy doys and bia bia bias. 

His favorite word in the world is still "YES" (you don't hear me complaining!) and he answers almost every question you ask him with it, even after he has learned the word no. 

He waves goodbye and points hello!

Still my picky eater of mostly bananas, peanut butter, and apple sauce. He likes what he likes! And anything grain/bread/carb based are not one of those things! I'm looking at you mac n' cheese. The ultimate kid staple.

He loves Daniel Tiger, Home, and Hotel Transylvania 2.

He has the most contagious giggle and a smile that I'm sure will break a few hearts someday!

We adore you more every single day our little water lovin' boy. You are our whole world and we love you so much!

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