June 2, 2016


Yesterday we celebrated our favorite guy's birthday!

He had to work during the day but we got to take him Panera for lunch at his office. Liam loves playing in the empty office rooms there. They have old computers and phones in them where he has the freedom to push a million buttons and not hurt anything. haha 

When Nic got home from work we met up with his dad and Dee for dinner at Red Lobster. They spoiled both of us with a really nice meal, anniversary and birthday gifts, and a chance to catch up on each other's lives! Liam of course provided the entertainment during the meal by treating his crayon like a fork and stabbing his dinner with it and eating it off the crayon. I can't make this stuff up!

After dinner with played together at the Wellness Complex. We burned a few calories after that dinner chasing Liam up and down hills (his current favorite game)!

We called it a night after Liam got his first skinned knee. Something about bare legs in shorts and clunky sandals as he runs with those adorable stubby legs of his just calls out to the pavement. Poor guy! 

Moments before the tumble ...

And what he's been doing ever since ...

Haha He keeps pointing at it and going, "ooch!"

And this wouldn't be a Williamson family blog post without a million pictures of Liam even though it's his daddy's birthday! haha 

I adore this nose scrunchy face he makes ...

After we put Liam to bed, I sang what apparently turned out to be a pretty comical rendition of the classic Happy Birthday song to Nic with a chocolate covered cinnamon bear and a candle in hand. He managed to laugh mid song and blew the candle right out! haha It resulted in this priceless moment that I'm SO glad I captured ...

You're welcome.

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y to the most handsome 29 year old I know!!! We can't wait to share your last year in your 20's with you and continue to celebrate you this weekend in Bear Lake! We love you birthday boy!

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