May 5, 2016

what a momma really wants for Mother's Day

Motherhood is a wonderfully beautiful thing. It is also a hot mess most of the time. It is the most joy you will ever feel in your lifetime mixed right up there with the most pain you will feel. It will give you your best laugh and your biggest cry. It will make you more "you" than you will ever be anywhere else while also completely stripping you of yourself at the same time. It is every polar opposite under the sun. I read this post the other day by Bridget Hunt about "motherhood ruining you" for these very same reasons I mentioned above and I found myself nodding a million times over. It was as if she took the emotions right from my very own heart about how I feel about being Liam's mom. But my favorite favorite part of her whole post was the very end where she said, "I hope this is what heaven is like" because if there is one thing I hope and believe heaven is... it is family. And it is forever. 

With it being Mother's Day on Sunday, I've spent the better part of this week reflecting on last Mother's Day...

Can you believe how little he was just a year ago!!! He went on his very first swing ride that day like such a big boy. Not to mention he was wearing my very favorite sweatshirt with the bear ears that I wish so much still fit him instead of being tucked away in his closet for the next baby. 

Liam was only a 15 week bump then. I hadn't even felt him move yet but I had heard the pitter patter of his little heart beat for the first time and was completely changed that day. It is still one of the BEST sounds in the whole world! 

Reflecting on both days has made me realize more than anything what a momma really wants for Mother's Day and that is for her children to slow down. To stay little. Motherhood is filled with milestone after milestone and while I clapped in complete joy when he learned to roll over for the first time...

And was his biggest cheerleader smiling from ear to ear when he took those very first few steps on his own...

The milestones keep passing by and while I savor and enjoy ever.single.perfect.second of those memories, they are all too fleeting and before I know it, he doesn't need me to help him roll back over when he cries during tummy time anymore, and he is okay to let go of my fingers and independently take those steps on his own. This song says it best and let me warn you, before you watch it, grab a tissue! Just trust me, you'll thank me later.


  1. This is beautiful--motherhood really is a whirlwind of emotions. But despite all the ups and downs, I'm so thankful I have this chance to be a mother. You're a wonderful mom and a great example! Keep on blogging :)

    1. Kelsey, thank you so so much for the compliments and for reading my blog! You are the SWEETEST!!! :)


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