March 17, 2016

St. Patty's Day 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! There has been a whole lot of green but not a ton of good luck when it comes to festiveness over here today. haha Real life people! 

I've mentioned this before but probably one of the most fun things about being a mom for me is celebrating holidays and making them memorable and fun in some way! Of course that means some kind of cute Pinterest-inspired breakfast. ;) Insert green banana pancakes with whipped cream and lucky charms! I always get these fun elaborate plans and build them up in my head only to be disappointed when they crash and burn. haha Needless to say, after dirtying way too many dishes and wasting some ingredients, my sad banana pancakes were not eaten and thrown away instead. It turns out burnt pancakes and a picky eater doesn't make for a very good combination but he did LOVE the whipped cream and lucky charms!

My poor luck streak seemed to continue throughout the morning as Liam was incredibly fussy and I couldn't figure out why, he managed to grab a tube of neosporin from my open bathroom drawer while I was getting ready and managed to squirt it all over my brand new jogger sweatpants, and I topped off the lunch hour with a crazy long Panera drive through, a cranky kid in the backseat, and not one but two poopy diapers. 

While at times it didn't feel like the luckiest of days as one would hope on a St. Patrick's Day, as I tucked that sweet boy into bed tonight and he squished my cheeks together and touched our noses with a giggle I felt like the luckiest mom in the whole world. I'm so glad this little Irish is mine! 

AND here is evidence that I do have a green thumb after all and Spring is on it's way!

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