March 22, 2016

pizza Saturday!

I have found myself unintentionally putting a lot of pressure on the weekends lately, particularly on making them fun. Saturday and Sunday are the only days out of the week that we have Nic home with us so I always feel this need to fill them full of entertaining plans. In a small town during winter time that is a hard thing to accomplish and I end up setting myself up for failure and feeling disappointed. I know that your time is what you make of it and the truth is, when I finally let myself relax and let go of that burden, I discovered that I'm happiest doing anything and nothing at all just as long as I'm spending my time with my two boys. After giving myself that little pep talk last week, this weekend was amazing! A lazy Saturday morning spent in pajamas watching Mr. Popper's Penguins, warm enough weather to go for a run together, and Saturday night pizza made the most fun Saturday I could ask for. 

Speaking of Saturday night pizza ... we started the New Year with a resolution to cut back on sugar and simply eat healthier all around. We both have sweet tooths to the max (I'm talking to you ice cream!!!) and it has been good for us to limit what we do eat. We decided to make Saturday a pizza night to indulge and look forward to and it is one of our favorite days of the week now! Liam LOVES pizza. He can eat 3 pieces in one sitting by himself! I mean, I don't know where this kid puts it! ;) He has been eating with a spoon for a while now but just recently started figuring out a fork. While he still needs a little extra help stabbing a bite on the end, he definitely knows exactly where to put it once it's on there. haha 

And nothing better than washing it down with a big throw-your-head-back, hold-your-breath, kind of swig of water. ;)

I know it's only Tuesday but, hooray for weekends! Can every day be pizza Saturday?! 

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