December 31, 2015

Christmas 2015 & a video

I can't decide if Christmas as a child is more special or Christmas as a parent but I think after this year, I believe that it is Christmas as a parent. There is nothing that brings Nic and I more joy than to see Liam's face light up with happiness. I'm sure it will only get better in the years to come as this year he was still too little to really understand what was going on. It was still one of our best Christmas's yet ...

| C H R I S T M A S    E V E |

On Christmas Eve we went sledding as a family. We had a blast going down a little hill together at a park near our house. Liam was either giggling or smiling almost the entire time! It was so much fun, I definitely want to make it a new tradition! And that snowsuit!!! Such a puffy little marshmallow. He reminds me of Ralphie's little brother on The Christmas Story in it. ;)

In the evening, we invited Nic's mom over for dinner. I made the usual Thanksgiving favorites because you can't go wrong with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and salad. ;) 

Christmas Eve night was probably one of my favorite moments of the whole weekend, getting to be Santa. I turned on Christmas Vacation for the second time of the season to watch while we set out Liam's gifts. I couldn't wait to set up Liam's new teepee and was slightly disappointed (only for a minute) when it came pre assembled in the box and only took about 2 minutes to fully set it up. haha Pull out the four legs and it was ready to go! I'm sure I will NOT be feeling this way in the future when we have multiple kids' toys to set up and we won't finish until the wee hours of the morning. It was still so exciting feel the anticipation for Christmas morning to come and to see how Liam would react. I went to bed on Christmas Eve feeling so blessed to have this little family of mine to celebrate with and even more blessed as I spent time reflecting on the birth of the Savior. I loved having our nativity high up on our shelf this year, overlooking us on Christmas morning.    

| C H R I S T M A S     D A Y |

At about 7:45, we awoke to the jabbering sounds of a certain little boy through the baby monitor. We couldn't wait to go get him from his room! He came wandering out and was immediately distracted by at least three things before even noticing his surprises from Santa. haha

It took him a moment to realize that he could actually go INSIDE his teepee but once he did, he loved going in and out, even opening a few presents inside. ;)

We spent the morning reading new books, his favorite was a book about puppies of course!

Cutest picture EVER snuggling daddy ...

When he wasn't playing with the bows on presents or my phone, he packed around his new flashlight to explore inside his teepee!

I absolutely adore these two boys. I'm SO lucky they are mine!

After a while, Grandma Sue (Nic's mom) came over and Liam opened his very own legos. The game "52 card pick up" went to a whole new level when it instead invovles a bin full of what feels like a million legos and a happy little one year old who loves to dump them right over the top of his head! haha It was hysterical watching him every time!

After nap time, Nic's dad, Dee, and her girls came over to celebrate with us! Liam got more of his favorite little people animals and his very own toy cell phone! Thank you grandpapa for that one because he LOVES it and hasn't put it down since!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you were spoiled by the ones you love! I know I sure was, especially because my best gifts of all weren't under the tree this year! Until next year, Christmas! XO

Our Christmas Video below ...

P.S. Past Christmas's ... 2010, 2011 here and here, 2012, 2013, 2014

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