November 2, 2015

life lately

After I put Liam to bed most nights I find myself looking through the camera roll on my phone at all the fun things we've been up to and memories we made during the day. After doing that last night, I realized that I take a lot of little funny pictures that I often don't share on social media and rather than letting them get lost amongst the others in my camera roll, I thought I would share them here with a memory to go along with it. After all, they make up some of the best parts of my day as I get to live my dream job as a stay-at-home mom with Liam.

Liam still isn't showing a lot of interest in books despite my frequent effort of reading stories to him but he sure does LOVE to knock them off the shelves, carry them and drop them all over the house, and chew on them! haha

At the beginning of September, Liam and I got our first colds of the season and were stuck inside for a week straight. By the weekend we were going a bit stir crazy so we took a scenic family walk in a part of town we don't usually visit. Liam had a blast riding on daddy's shoulders and being tall enough to touch the leaves on the trees.

I've been struggling lately with foods for Liam. He has seemed to regress back to wanting mostly pureed foods unless it is fruit. It became really discouraging for a while because he was eating so many different things. Two realizations have led to a breakthrough in the last few week or so, number one being that I read the information sheet that Liam's pediatrician gave us at his one year check up and it said that it was common for kids his age to lose some of their appetite for food and that parents should dial back the nursing or bottle feeding to ensure they are hungry enough for their meals. It was like an "A HA" moment for me! That and I watched a periscope the other day about getting kids to eat healthy foods and one thing she mentioned was to give one food at a time to a child and in very small portions. That multiple foods on their tray and larger portions can overwhelm kids really easily, especially if there is foods they haven't tried before. I've tried this the last couple of days and have gotten Liam to eat cucumber, beans, and bread! Three things he hasn't eaten in a very long time. 

I found some fun chicken nuggets in the shape of letters. He hated them so the rest of the box has sat in my freezer uneaten. haha (p.s. Don't worry, I cut those nuggets into very small pieces before he ever took a bite!)

Nic and I decided that we wanted to hold off on giving Liam sugar until his first birthday for two reasons, we thought it would make for one heck of a reaction when he took his first bite of cake on his birthday and it just seems like the sugar monster takes over kids after they have some and it becomes all they beg for. We wanted to prolong that second one as long as possible! haha Well, like anyone else, I hate admitting when I am wrong but it turns out it wasn't the best idea we've ever had. Wednesday, the day after he had cake for the first time, was a crappy day. And I mean CRAPPY! All up his back, all over his blankets & sheets, and basically covering him from head to toe by the time I got his pajamas off. I carried him as far away from my body as I could, straight to the bathtub to be hosed down. haha Baby number two will be slowly acclimated to sweets. Sorry Liam!

 I am sad to say goodbye to, summer & this adorable tank top. Especially with the 30 degree temps and massive amounts of rain we are having here today. How is fall already gone?!

 Liam was given this hilarious corn cob outfit last fall when he was born but it swallowed him whole back then so I thought I would try it on again. I was dying laughing as he quickly rolled over and tried to crawl around when his legs were practically attached! It lasted 30 seconds tops.

You should see his bed rail. Chew.Marks.EVERYWHERE! I have a beaver on my hands you guys!

I know many people eye roll that Christmas stuff is already in the stores when it isn't even Thanksgiving yet and we JUST finished Halloween, but it doesn't leave me any less excited! When we were at the store the night before Liam's birthday we pulled down this GIANT Christmas teddy bear and had one of those moments that I captured just a few seconds too late. He ran up to the teddy bear with his arms outstretched and hugged it right around the neck. It was so sweet!

At about 9:15 like clock work every morning, Liam starts to get fussy but isn't quite tired enough yet for his morning nap so we've started having "snack time". It is the one time of day we sit down together and watching about 15 minutes of Mickey Mouse and have some of his favorite veggie & fruit or yogurt melts. It is adorable how excited he gets!

There ya have it. Just a few moments from our every day that I definitely cherish SO much! I sure love these boys of mine!

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