October 21, 2015

the birthday boy

And just like that he's one. ONE! Nic and I laid in bed a couple nights ago sifting through old pictures and videos we've taken over the last year of Liam's life and reminiscing about our favorite memories with him. We'd laugh and smile at the way he used to roll over and sigh with pride or shoot out his little froggy legs at a mile a minute and then I'd get teary eyed at the sound of his little grunts and moans he made while he was sleeping nestled under his daddy's arm. It has truly been the best year of our lives and we feel so blessed he is ours. While I've had my fair share of teary moments thinking back on the last year of this little guy's life, all I could really feel yesterday was joy! It is bittersweet to say goodbye to this first year but so exciting to greet the new one!

Yesterday we had the best day celebrating our favorite birthday boy! He must have known the excitement that lay ahead of him because he woke up an hour earlier than usual. We greeted him with a very scary rendition of the happy birthday song (morning voice problems) and rained balloons over his head and into his crib. His face was seriously priceless! He looked up at us completely confused like who are these crazy people and what in the world have you done with my parents. haha So you can expect this to become a tradition every year. ;) While he didn't really give the balloons the time of day at first, I plopped him back in his crib for a few minutes after breakfast and he had a blast bopping them around.

I wanted to spend the day with him doing some of his favorite things, one of which is stroller rides, so we bundled up and headed out for a run in the chilly morning air. When we got back, he warmed up by splashing away in the bath. After his morning nap we drove to Nic's office to have lunch with him and then made a trip to the store to have a few balloons filled for his highchair. He has been holding on to a balloon's string with one hand and eating food with the other ever since. haha When he wasn't napping, we spent the rest of the afternoon together giggling while playing soccer with the balloons until daddy got home from work.

We ended the fun with the best part of all, CAKE! This was pretty much Liam's first time having any kind of sweets and so we were excited to see what he would do the second his cake was in front of him. We dyed laughing as he tried to pick each individual sprinkle off the cake one by one! He started looking confused whenever he pulled his fingers away to find them covered in frosting and the sprinkles buried. The cake was a hit and he pretty much demolished most of it and in true first birthday fashion, made a GIANT mess of himself and everywhere around him! It was the best! I'd celebrate this boy every day if we could (I'm glad we get to do it all again on Saturday at his party)!

Happy First Birthday Liam Rex!!! We adore you!!

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