September 14, 2015

Happy Monday

After spending the better part of a week cooped up at home and feeling awful, it makes me happy to say that today things are finally looking up. The slightly runny noses and residual coughs are hanging on for dear life but we have more energy and I have plans to venture out of the house today, even if it is just for a short walk around the block and a quick trip to the store.

Daddy is back to work today and we already miss him. Liam's nap boycotting this weekend was evidence that he loves when daddy is home to play! I don't blame him one bit. Speaking of Nic, can I also say that he is one amazing care taker. On top of working, he did all the grocery shopping last week and not only nursed us back to health with yummy meals but watched not one, not two, but three chick flicks with me. Next time you are at your local Redbox, you can go ahead and just skip right over 'Aloha', no matter how many popular actors and actresses that you love in it (and believe me, I LOVE me some Emma Stone and Rachel McAdams). We both didn't have a clue what was really going on until about 3/4 of the way through the movie. Two thumbs down. The second movie, Age of Adaline, was okay. Not great but not terrible either. If you are a Nicholas Sparks fan like me (give me all the cheesy loves stories), The Longest Ride was the best! Loved every second of it.

Something cute ... Saturday was exactly 6 years since Nic and I's first date and Sunday, exactly 6 years since we started officially dating the very next day. I still remember that date like it was yesterday and found myself reliving it all day as I sifted through some of my favorite memories. So happy he chose me!

And because everyone is talking about it, Fall that is, we're excited over here for cooler temperatures this week. While I don't love the rain, I do love rain boots and baby jeans so I'll take it if it brings 65 degrees. You guys, I am SO excited for Halloween this year!! I have family themed costumes planned and I.CAN'T.WAIT. I bought Liam's little costume from an Instagram resale shop and plan to make Nic and I's with what we have at home. :) Homemade costumes are the best! Spending $30 - $40 a costume on something we will wear for only a couple hours on one night seems silly to me. Speaking of Halloween, the festiveness has already started over here with Liam wearing these bat jammies on repeat. His first pair of two-piece jammies.

Happy Monday and Happy Fall Ya'll!

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