September 29, 2015

eleven months

e l e v e n   m o n t h s   o l d


 23 pounds, 5 ounces 
29  inches long


peek-a-boo & hide n' seek
sticking out his tongue
cheese & fruit
leaning his head on his own shoulder (it's the funniest thing!)
carrying around shoes


getting face and hands wiped

My little Liam,
Eleven months with you and we can't imagine our lives without you in them. You can officially walk now and we all love it! It is so surreal having you walk beside us everywhere we go. You are beginning to transition to one nap and have showed signs of being ready to wean from nursing. Both changes have been hard on you and I but I know that with you being a year next month, this change is inevitable. You have made your first friend! His name is Alex and you guys have a great time together fighting over the same toy in a room full of toys. haha You love to play hide n' seek and burst into fits of giggles whenever we say "come and get me" or "I'm gonna get you!" You have been regressing with foods lately, liking fewer and fewer things, and turning away things you used to love. We have gone back to more pureed food unless it is cheese and fruit. You started snuggling against our chest/shoulder again, something you haven't done since a tiny baby and we love it! You are a ball full of energy. Once we set you down, there is no stopping you. You get into everything so we have had to up our baby proofing game!  Your favorite thing to do is swipe a shoe from the shoe rack or our closet and carry it around with you. Same with a row of wooden pumpkins I have on the window sill. Your dad taught you to carry my shoes and dump them in the bathtub (thankyouverymuch Nic) but I don't really care because I love the sounds you make whenever you get excited! You smile and giggle at yourself in the mirror whenever I gel your hair in the mornings. You learned to wave and I think having you wave goodbye to daddy in the morning makes his day every time. You love to peek out of the blinds whenever they are closed. You are starting to get three new teeth and I wish I could take the pain away from you. We love you so so much!
Love, Momma

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