August 11, 2015

Washington Trip Part 1 {The Farm} & a Video!

We just got back on Friday from a little over a week long vacation and I took SO many pictures that I just can't condense them all to one post, hence the part 1. So there will be a part 2 and a part 3. For grandparents, you're welcome. For everyone else, sorry for the picture overload.

We flew to Washington together with Sita (Liam's grandma/my mom) and it was Liam's first plane ride. He did SO great on the plane... fell asleep nursing on take off and didn't wake up until 10 minutes before the flight was over to eat some of his favorite puffs on the descent. I have a new found love for the ergo baby carrier by the way. It was a total lifesaver for carrying Liam through the airport (they don't even make you take the baby out as you walk through security) and the best for an occasional nap because this kid is not great at napping on the go. I know I've said it several times before but Nic is seriously just the BEST dad. Every time I asked to help carry Liam he always insisted he wanted to do. I love watching the two of them together every single day!

After flying into the Seattle airport and stopping to feed Liam some lunch, we hightailed it to the rental car place so that we could try and beat the Friday afternoon Seattle traffic jam to Mount Vernon where my extended family lives. We actually made great time and decided to stop at a fun outlet mall in Marysville along the way. Between Sita and I we basically bought Liam a new wardrobe for Fall. haha 

Anyway, the biggest thing I wanted to talk about from the beginning of our trip is THE FARM. My Uncle Keith and Aunt Wendy live on a beautiful farm in Mount Vernon. Seriously, fields upon fields of beauty. I'm pretty sure the person who loved it most of all though was Liam. 

My Uncle Keith is like a big kid, he LOVES trains. He built this incredible train track behind their back shed. It was the most intricate design I have ever seen. The whole thing even lights up at night and makes noise. So awesome!

Look at that face!!! Pure joy!

I HAD to include this one. Both my boys do this funny thing with their lips. haha Nic tucks his top lip in and Liam tucks his bottom lip under. Like father, like son.

If Liam wasn't having the time of his life walking/running everywhere, he was beelining for all the leaves he could find in the grass.

When did he become old enough to walk?!?!?! It was unreal witnessing him push this little toy all by himself. 

Thanks Uncle Keith and Aunt Wendy for sharing your farm with us!!
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the trip tomorrow, our family reunion.
Also, you can watch a little video I made of our family trip HERE. :)

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