June 4, 2015

seven months

s e v e n   m o n t h s   o l d


about 19 pounds
 about 26 inches long


his bouncer.
constantly standing, jumping, or moving.
talking and squealing.
smiling and giggling.
stroller rides.
sweet potatoes and bananas!
riding on a swing.
having momma home.
scratching everything.
pulling on my hair.


getting his nose or face wiped.
sitting still and not being able to move on his own.

My little Liam,
The day you turned 7 months old was quite the special day because it was the last day of the school year which meant I would be able to start staying home with you. It has been heaven for the both of us so far! You definitely are a little busy body and keep me on my toes all day long wanting to walk everywhere. Rue has officially become your best friend. You B-line straight for her cage any chance you can get and all you want to to do is sit there and stare at her with your chubby little fingers gripping the bars tightly. Right now she loves the company but I'm sure she is going to be thinking very differently when you can chase her everywhere! You have 2 little toofs now and that smile of yours has never looked cuter! They were miserable for the both of us while they were coming in. You were just finally starting to sleep through the night until they came and you were in too much pain. It threw off your whole schedule. I felt terrible that there was very little I could do to comfort you besides motrin and nursing. Surprisingly enough, you even wanted to suck on a binkie after many of months of hating it. It just so happened to be my last ditch effort after trying teething tablets, teething rings, etc. and none of them proved to be helping. You still smile and giggle all the time. You learned how to get up on your knees and rock back in forth. While you don't do it very often, you get better and better at it each time you try so I don't think crawling is too far in your future. We've both had a cold the last couple of weeks and mine has caused me to cough. You began mimicking me and now fake cough all the time. haha It is hysterical! You have gotten quite a bit better at sitting up on your own so we graduated you from the car seat to sitting up in the shopping cart. I personally did not think there were enough baby wipes in the world to make the shopping cart sanitary but your germ-a-phobic mother made it through and then proceeded to buy a cover the very next day! You also started riding facing forward in the stroller this month. Toys are your favorite but you are happy grabbing anything and everything in sight, including most of all my hair! So many changes. Every single day is an adventure with you and I couldn't be happier that I don't have to miss any more now that I get to be home with you. Love you!  
Love, Momma

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