May 29, 2015

six months

s i x   m o n t h s   o l d
{in April}


18 pounds, 10 ounces
25 inches long


his bouncer.
chewing and sucking on his fingers, especially the pointer.
constantly standing, jumping, or walking.
smiling and giggling.
whale blankie.
all fruits, especially BANANAS!


sitting still and not being able to move.
being put in his car seat.
green vegetables.

My little Liam,
Happy Half Birthday! I can't believe we are already here, just 6 months shy of celebrating your first year with us. We don't know what we ever did without you! Your sweet little personality is SO much fun. Who would have thought you were ever a stingy smiler and giggler because now it doesn't take much but a silly belly laugh from mom or dad to get you into fits of giggles. I think you might be working on getting your first 2 bottom teeth in. We can see the outline of them through your gums but no white showing yet. To be totally honest, I was hoping you would hold  off just a few more weeks until summer so I can be home with you while you are in pain and have to go through that. :( I still hate leaving you but that will never change. 3rd round of shots this month and they still don't get any easier but boy do you look tough sporting a band aid on each thigh. Dr. Burton got you an outfit while he was in Hawaii because he missed the opportunity to deliver you and it finally fit so you wore it to your appointment. It made me want to hop on a plane right then and there to some place tropical with you. You are at such a fun stage right now! You have started to sit up on your own but get distracted really easily and topple right over. haha One of the cutest things you've learned is that you started reaching out for our hands whenever we stretch them towards you. It is your own way of saying "momma or dada UP!" I'm not sure there is anything you adore more than walking everywhere you go! While in the same place you learn all your new tricks, your crib, you finally discovered how to roll back over from your tummy to your back. HOWEVER, that does not mean you still don't get super mad and act like you are stuck on your tummy. I am convinced that you don't love being a baby and would much rather be a mobile toddler who can move all on your own. I don't blame you but like any mom, I wish you would stay little forever. We love you!
Love, Momma

The little Hawaiin outfit from Dr. B!

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