April 14, 2015

five months

f i v e   m o n t h s   o l d
{in March}


about 17 pounds
 about 24 inches long


his bouncer.
chewing on his hands.
constantly standing, jumping, or moving.
splashing in the bath.
talking and squealing.
smiling and giggling.


sitting still.
being put in his car seat.

My little Liam,
I feel like you have changed so much this month after looking back on the last. Every day you are doing something new. Biggest of all, you started eating solid foods just shy of five months. You were showing all the signs that you were ready. We tried rice cereal for a solid week and a half  and you wanted nothing to do with it. Just about every bite was spit back out. It wasn't until later on that I learned no one actually feeds their baby rice cereal without adding something like applesauce to it or putting it into a bottle. Instead we moved along to trying sweet potatoes and you never looked back. Since then, you have tried and loved carrots, squash, apples, pears, peaches, and bananas. The only 2 foods you have tried but haven't liked are peas and green beans. Those yucky green foods anyway! ;) Your favorite by FAR is bananas! This may have something to do with the fact that I ate a banana just about every morning for breakfast when I was pregnant with you and while I have been nursing. I can have the spoon a good foot away from your mouth and you instantly know what is coming. You start waving your hands frantically in the air and arching forward with your mouth wide open ready to take a big old bite! haha It is my favorite next to the fact that it has helped you sleep most of the way through the night now! You only wake up once. A lot of the time we feed you in the bath because you are quite the messy eater which is completely fine by you because you love splashing in there.  Your bouncer is literally your favorite thing to do! You would stay in that thing almost all day if we let you just jumping away! Even when we are holding you, you are trying to jump in our arms. ha You reach and grab onto toys or blankets and they instantly go into your mouth. Although they are second best to your hands which are always found in your mouth. No teeth yet but you sure drool a lot so I think one might be in the works fairly soon. I'd be totally fine if they held off for a little while longer but that's just me. ;) They will come in their own time. You love anything that smells like me and it melts my heart. You adore your whale blankie and instantly calm down when we give it to you. You fall asleep with it against your cheek and end up covering your entire face with it before the night is through. It always terrifies me that you won't be able to breathe but as soon as I fix it you manage to move it back. We love you so much! 

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