March 25, 2015

being a working mom

It is spring break for me and I have been looking forward to this week since the day I went back to work in January! One of the biggest things I have learned so far as a new mom is that you can't ever fully prepare yourself for what it will be like to have a baby. Nic and I were so ready to start a family and Liam has been nothing short of our biggest blessings so far. I tell you what though, being a work mom is HARD. Before having Liam I knew that it would likely be difficult going back to teaching for the rest of the school year but it seems I was more naive than I thought. I'd definitely be lying if I didn't say it has been incredibly hard on both Nic and I. It is amazing how your priorities quickly change when you have a little one to be thinking about all day. Being a mom has changed me.

So if you have been wondering where I've been... Truthfully I've been buried in a mountain of papers to grade, a lesson plan book that never seems to be filled, and a class that seems to have forgotten over the last few months that we have classroom rules. It makes me crazy when people say all the time how being a teacher is the best mommy job. It definitely is in the summer but during the school year is a different story. I can't just walk away at 4:00 every day and leave work behind me for the evening if I want to keep up and help my students succeed. I've been going to bed as soon as I can brush my teeth after my little guy closes his eyes (8:00) yet he has lost all the sleep training progress we worked so hard on before I went back to work leaving us both in a constant walking zombie state during the day from waking every 2 hours to a crying baby. On top of it all, our brand new year old house flooded and here we are a month later with only the drying finished and the new tile down, still with a million other things that need fixing. The shining ray of light in all of that chaos though has been soaking up every precious second in the evenings that I have with my 2 favorite boys!!  

So where was I?! Ah yes, Spring Break. I am convinced that this week was designed more for teachers than it ever was for students. This week has been complete bliss so far and we are excited to have daddy home with us for a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow! Blogging is my "me time" that I have had to let go of over the last few months and it feels so amazing to get to sit down and write today. I have so much to share over the next several days that I hope I have the time to fit it all in. But if not, 8 more weeks until summer! 

Before I go, I'll leave you with a recent picture of our silly little Liam who is 5 months old already! When did that happen?! I'm quickly learning the meaning behind a frequent phrase I hear from most parents... "They grow too darn fast!"