February 1, 2015

three months

t h r e e   m o n t h s   o l d


 about 14 pounds
 about 22 inches long


his binkie.
story time.
cooing, smiling, snorting.
Sticking out his tongue.
his changing pad and letters of his name on the wall.
car seat.


nose clearing or face wiping.
night time.

*I wrote this the night before Liam turned 3 months old I just didn't have his pictures ready at the time...

My little Liam,
As I did the thing I have been dreading most over the last few weeks, headed back to work this morning, it was SO SO hard to leave you at only three months old. You have changed so much in the last month and are so fun to be around. Your charming little personality is beginning to show and next to your dad, you are my favorite person to spend my days with. I can't even tell you how much I will miss being with you all day every day. It makes me look that much more forward to summer! You are all smiles these days and I love it! Cooing, snorting, grinning, and sticking out that tongue of yours are your favorite things to do when you are awake. You love it when I read stories to you or your daddy tells you his favorite story (Tangled). You become totally enthralled with that concerned stare of yours. We dressed you up in a white baby tux with a tiny grey bowtie and you were given the most special blessing by your dad at church this month. We loved sharing your first Christmas with you this year even if you won't remember it. You love love love to eat and now have endless thigh rolls and the sweetest chubby cheeks to prove it. You have become quite the projectile spitter-upper. Your outfit, our outfits, the couch, anything near you really becomes completely covered in it no matter how much we try to prevent it from happening. You down a stage 2 bottle in two seconds flat when given the opportunity. As much as you and I both hated it, you transitioned to crib sleeping at night this month. After several pretty hard nights, we both began getting used to it and now you don't take long to soothe yourself and fall fast asleep for a good 5 - 6 hour stretch before you are hungry again. When I do finally hear you crying over the baby monitor and go into your nursery to check on you, I find you looking up at me in a completely different direction than where I laid you down to go to sleep. So squirmy! Half the time you even have a leg sticking out through one of the bars. Your attention is completely captured by all the lights around you, your favorite being the Christmas tree and the mobile on your swing. The bedtime routine we made for you has now become one of my favorite times of the day. You still love bath time and I love holding you in my arms until your drooping eyes begin to grow heavy and you fall fast asleep. I can't even begin to tell you what a joy you are to us. We absolutely adore you!
Love, Momma

He discovered his hands this month and always has that chubby little fist of his in his mouth. We think he might be left handed because it is always the left one.