December 18, 2014

two months

t w o   m o n t h s   o l d


11 pounds, 3 ounces
22 inches long


wearing only a diaper.
staring at lights.
going on a drive.


his crib.
shots (but who doesn't!!)

My little Liam,
You turned two months old on Monday! So far you have two nicknames,,. little handsome and L man. You have had lots of visitors this month. All of your grandparents have gotten to see you and absolutely adore you. We celebrated your second first holiday, Thanksgiving, and although you couldn't actually eat the turkey dinner yourself, you sure had the after effects that turkey has and snoozed the afternoon away. Those little legs of yours are starting to have some serious power behind them and you now push yourself up with your arms when you are on your tummy. Even though your head still bobs around, I know you will be holding it up on your own for more than a few seconds any day now. By far my favorite memory from this month is that you started smiling!! Before now it was only when you were dreaming but now you take one look at me and flash that big old grin of yours and my heart melts into a puddle on the floor. You wake up somewhere between 8:30 - 9:30 every morning and it is my favorite time of day because it is when you are the most smiley. You got your first set of shots today and it was the saddest thing in the whole world watching you feeling pain. I felt terrible! We just don't want you to get sick. Forget cute baby clothes, you love being in only a diaper! Baths are your favorite. You could be really upset one second and immediately calm the next as soon as we put you in your bath. You despise your crib but we are working on it. You are the nosiest sleeper in the world so we have to transition you sometime but I don't blame you because it is hard for me not having you in our room too. We love you more than you will ever know!
Love, Momma

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