November 17, 2014

one month

o n e   m o n t h   o l d

s t a t s

7 pounds, 11 ounces
19 1/2 inches long

l o v e s

Breast feeding.
Your swing.
Tummy time and kicking your legs.
Being held and cradled against our chests.

d i s l i k e s

A bottle most of the time but you will tolerate it when you have to. 
Being swaddled, especially with your arms down and inside a blanket.
Pacifiers but sometimes you will take one so maybe they are growing on you??
Getting your diaper changed, especially in the middle of the night but who would like a cold wet wipe on their bum anyway!

My little guy, 
You are one month old already and it has been one of the best months of your dad and I's lives having you finally here and with us!! You still wear newborn diapers and clothes but you are growing away so I don't imagine you will stay in them too much longer. There was evidence of that when you gained a whole pound between your first and second doctor's visits. You experienced your first holiday this month {Halloween} and wore a costume that was much too big for you but you didn't mind. You slept right through it. :) You are discovering your vocal chords, particularly when you think you are STARVING which is any time you are awake. haha When you are not eating, you sleep most of the time. You are so curious and it is fun watching your eyes dart around the room as you take it all in. You don't like to hold still and flail your arms and legs about. When you are on your tummy, you try to scoot yourself along with your back frog legs and get so frustrated when you don't get anywhere. You learned to lift up and turn your own head during tummy time at just two weeks old. We were clapping and cheering you on! You also had your first of many baths which you enjoy for the first few minutes and then decide you've had it after that. You've gone on your first and only walk in your stroller, the snow and cold temperatures keep us in inside most of the time. It soothes you to have your hands right up against your face. You have just about the sharpest nails in the world, even your nurse said so at your second doctor's appointment, so we have to put you in mitten onesies to protect your face. Here we were thinking we'd have a bald baby but your light brown hair is growing by the minute. While a part of me wishes you could stay this little forever, I love watching you grow. I love every minute I get to spend at home with you. We love you so much!!!
Love, Mom 

Laundry basket tracking, a fun way to show his growth each month. :)

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