August 19, 2014

28 weeks

We didn't get a chance to take a bump update picture in our usual spot so last week's update is brought to you by a family picture from our weekend!

How Far Along :: 28 weeks
Gender :: Boy!
Belly Growth :: 42 1/2 in.
Maternity Clothes :: Definitely and I finally found a pair of maternity jeans that are getting a lot of wear already... right now rolled up as capris! #targetdoesitagain   
Belly Button In or Out :: In
Sleep ::  Pretty decent.
Best Moment this Week :: Our baby shower in Meridian! :) It was so fun to see everyone that came and Baby Williamson got sooo many cute and fun things!
Miss Anything :: I am starting to miss the 3/4 of my wardrobe that I don't fit into anymore. I seemed to have a harder time packing to go away for the weekend than I usually do. I spent a good amount of time just staring and spinning around in circles in my closet hoping some magical outfit would pop out at me instead of the usual five that have been in constant rotation. ha
Movement :: I think all of the constant on the go movement and excitement last week from setting up my classroom to traveling made for a quieter baby. Of course he still was moving every day but not as much as usual which made me feel bad because I had a lot of disappointed family members that were hoping to feel those baby kicks. 
Cravings :: Peanut butter and banana toast
Feelings and Emotions :: Rather exhausted from the busy week mentioned above but so grateful for the time we got to spend with family this week and celebrate this baby with the ones we love! 
Looking Forward to :: Bringing home a baby from the hospital in the car seat we set up this week, watching him sleep in his baby swing, and taking him for walks in his stroller. 

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