July 3, 2014

21 weeks

I just wanted to start off by saying that I can't thank you all enough for all of the sweet messages and congrats we have received over the last week!! I just want to give everyone I hear from a big hug! Nic and I couldn't be more excited to welcome a little boy into our family. I shared a few thoughts about our ultrasound last week in the reveal post but just had a couple more that I left out and wanted to write down now.

One thing our ultrasound taught me is that I never realized how iffy a due date really is. I mean, I knew that the chances of the baby coming RIGHT on the exact date the doctor gave us was pretty unlikely but I didn't realize how up in the air it can be (at least that has been my experience anyway). Our doctor is set on going off of the date based on my last period which I believe is inaccurate and too soon because we didn't start trying until a couple of weeks later than that. My ultrasound however, showed the baby's measurements matching up with right about 20 weeks last week which would put me about 3 weeks off from the doctor's date. So we asked the doctor at our 5 month appointment the day after the ultrasound and he said that he doesn't trust those measurements to be completely accurate and that it would be better to stick with the original date and go off of my last period. So WHO KNOWS! haha Basically that little explanation was to clarify the fact of why I decided to skip last week's update and make this 21 weeks instead. :) Somewhere right in the middle of the doctor and the ultrasound and then maaaaaybe, just maybe my updates will be somewhat on track with when this little babe will actually grace us with his presence. 

Since it has been a couple weeks since my last update I just have to say those 14 or however many days have been complete bliss. I feel like I am riding this emotional high after finally getting to see our baby boy and know for a fact that this is definitely all real! It was so fun to have some of his ultrasound pictures printed and putting them up on fridge to look at each day. I about died at his little foot picture when she told us it is measuring in at a little over 3 centimeters. 3 CM! Even though he is still teeny, it makes me so happy to know that he is growing healthy and strong by the day!

How Far Along :: 21 weeks
Gender :: Boy!
Belly Growth ::  40.5 in.
Maternity Clothes :: This belly is mostly in maternity shirts now but I still have several pants that fit! Don't get me wrong though, I do have a pair of maternity leggings that are on repeat if I spend the day at home. They are SO comfortable!   
Belly Button In or Out :: In
Sleep :: Depends on the day but finding myself using and loving the snoogle pillow more and more! 
Best Moment this Week :: Ultrasound!
Miss Anything :: Sleeping on my tummy...
Movement :: Still haven't felt anything yet. I have been especially surprised about this after seeing our little boy wiggling and squirming all over the place on the ultrasound.
Cravings :: Swirl ice cream cone!
Feeling :: Some back pain which I believe is a result of wonky sleeping. I can't get comfortable on my back anymore, haven't ever been much of a side sleeper, and can't sleep on my stomach anymore so I think I contort myself around that snoogle pillow and end up in some funky positions to get comfortable. 
Emotions :: Happy :)
Looking Forward to :: Celebrating the fourth of July tomorrow! Nic has the day off work and we don't have a ton of plans so we get to just have fun together and play the day by ear, just how I like it! Bring on the parade, flag fruit pizza I made this afternoon, yummy chicken burgers for dinner, and lots of fireworks! Oh and the sparklers too, they are my favorite! :)

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