June 9, 2014

the room that became a nursery

As we walked through our house for the first time, there was one room in particular that I spent the most time in and had a hard time leaving. It had one of the biggest windows in the house that casted beautiful rays of sunlight inside. It was completely captivating! When we looked at other homes, I found myself searching for a room just like that one. One that made me feel exactly like that one made me feel, but none did. I kept coming back to that room because there was something so special about it... the future it could hold and the dreams that would come true inside.

Sounds so complex huh? One room holding that much promise... but this one did for me! This room would be our future nursery of our first baby that would make us a family of 3. And now that dream is coming true and I could not be happier!

I imagined a crib inside of it, just like the one we put together this weekend. The most fun we have ever had putting something together! Besides a mattress, cover, and cozy sheets (of course)... all it is missing is our little one. Is it November yet?! ;)

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