June 5, 2014

happy list

I am officially four days into Summer Break and absolutely loving it. Ask me again in a week or so and I might have changed my mind... ;) Being at home alone all day for weeks at a time tends to make me go completely stir crazy but for now, I have a spring cleaning/organizing/errand running to do list that has been put off for some time. It is keeping me happily busy! 

Here are a few other things that are making me happy right now...

1. Getting to use one of these parking lot spots while checking out Babies R Us in Boise last weekend. :) It will PROBABLY be the last time I use one because heaven knows I can use all the walking I can get. HA But, it was still fun being considered an "expectant mom". 

2. Speaking of baby... this Babylleto Hudson Crib! We ordered it online earlier this week and as you may have read here, sort of been stalking Fedex for it to get here ever since. It showed up on our front porch this morning so I know what I want to do for our Saturday date. Nic?!

3. This Lemon Orzo Salad with Asparagus... it is the perfect summer dish hot or chilled and paired with shrimp. I hadn't made it since last summer and forgot how yummy it was. It would be great to take as a side to a bbq too!

4. I went on a little shopping spree at Ross for the growing bump yesterday. I usually don't have very good luck there but managed to walk away with 5 shirts for $45. It was a pretty great deal and some serious good luck considering Ross is pretty much the only store in this small town that carries maternity clothes. Although, most of these shirts are just a size or two up and not actually maternity.  

5.  Being home all day with Rue. I felt awful  that she only really ever got to get out of her cage for a few minutes in the morning while we ate breakfast before work and a couple hours in the evenings. I'm pretty sure she is a fan of being out most days and getting to camp out on top of the air conditioning vent. Cutest! 

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