January 28, 2014

first birthday

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How cute is that little tongue?! 

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H | A | P | P | Y     F | I | R | S | T     B | I | R | T | H | D | A | Y     R | U | E!!!

On Thursday our little Rue Loo turned one year old! So naturally, there were apples {her favorite treat}, cuddles, and lots of celebrating. She can be a serious handful sometimes, can't let that little escape artist out of your sight for a second or there goes your wood cabinet but she is so so sweet.

We hope you had the happiest of birthdays. We know your dripping chin loved every second of those apple bites. We're so glad you are a part of our family, we love you!

January 20, 2014

Happy 2014!

January has been a quite a month for us so far which I'm loving. It was so nice to have two weeks off for Christmas but come Monday morning I was ready to go back to work. I know it is easy to complain about being busy all the time but there is something to be said for having a great job and being productive with your day. I was starting to go a little stir crazy there at the end, especially when I was home alone all day. I can't even imagine how this summer will go but it will be filled with taking little ones to the park and dirty diapers before I know it so I'm enjoying this phase of my life right now. I'm hoping to have a lot of house project to keep me busy!

Nic and I spent New Years Eve just the two of us at home. We fancied it up with a little pasta which is something I rarely make and chocolate covered strawberries. Besides that, it was Vampire Diaries and a kiss to seal the deal when the clock struck midnight. Such party animals I know! ;) A week later I figured what better way to ring in the new year than chopping off 6 inches of hair! That seems to be my thing. I go about 8 months or so without getting it cut and then chop it off. I'm sure any hair dresser reading this right now is eye rolling at me but I just have the hardest time justifying spending a bunch of money on myself for something like that. Silly I know. Nic thinks I'm crazy. Then again he has no room to talk because he gets a buzz cut in our kitchen once a month! ha

While January has typically felt like a slow month to me in the past and I am always drudging through it and dying for the sight of Spring, we have had a really mild Winter this year so I am loving it. I can hardly wait for Valentine's Day though. Call me a hopeless romantic but I love that holiday!

I'm so excited that it is 2014! We will be going to a Gavin Degraw concert in April, celebrating our 3rd anniversary hopefully on a little getaway, and putting in our yard together just to name a few! Hope you are having a Happy New Year. Cheers!

January 1, 2014

Cheers 2013!

The best year I've ever had, and I won't be the same.