Happy Tuesday! Unfortunately it is not too peppy around these parts as it seems I have caught my second bug this school year. That and the pile of grading are the main reasons for the lack of updates around here. Yeesh, I'm behind! Anyway, here we are with the month of August...
August was seriously the perfect month to say goodbye to the fleeting moments of summer. So many life changes happened. All really big ones and all really wonderful ones as well. It started out with an apartment full of boxes and a fluffy little bunny who managed to squeeze her way through a bathroom door and hop herself right on in to the bathtub. Silly rabbit. I ended up getting a little ahead of myself on the packing and we ended up eating off of paper plates for a good two weeks. oops. We said goodbye to our first home as a married couple, apartment #3, and spent the next week or so unpacking. Rue made herself RIIIIGHT at home in her new favorite spot next to the vent. Oh central air conditioning, what a luxury!!
The last week of August happened to be my first week of school as a brand new teacher with her own classroom full of third graders. LOOK OUT! It was crazy times and many late nights pulled to get that classroom put together but it turned out perfect. My classroom has an owl theme. :) Owl addiction, what's new around here. I am a very detail oriented person so what probably could have taken someone a day to complete took me a whole week. haha But I love how it turned out, cute owl welcome tree, curtains, and all.
Rue went on her first road trip to Boise for my step brother's wedding between the transition from apartment to new house. Needless to say, she was FREAKED the whole time and shaking like a leaf but made it in one piece. Within the first few days of living in our new neighborhood, we met SO many sweet neighbors who brought us the most thoughtful notes and treats.
The final weekend in August we went to the fair! I seriously hadn't been since late elementary school, early middle school. How lame am I?! I also had never been with a boy before. ;) haha We had so much fun together. The pronto pup and elephant ear eating was probably my favorite part. That and the bunny barn! Biggest bunny of my life. Rue looked like a dwarf compared to that big brown bun. At the end of the evening, we had tickets to see the bull riding event. I had never been to one before and it was terrifying! I don't know how those mom's sit in the stands and watch as their sons almost get trampled to death! Needless to say, I was more than freaking out for all 50 of them. One boy's stomach got stomped on and an ambulance had to come. Eeep! I can't even think about it. We also got to see these hardcore women called the Axe Women of Maine compete against each other in various events like log rolling and cutting through stumps. It was a really fun day. My one regret was not riding and getting a kiss on the Ferris wheel. It is on my August bucket list for next year. :)