August 11, 2013

this afternoon

During half of our dating days, Nic and I were both living at the same apartment complex which was a couple streets over from the largest cemetery in Pocatello. It may sound strange but we used to go there all the time to exercise or go on long walks together. We spent a lot of evenings there, dreaming up our future together and trying not to get attacked by a million squirrels. Seriously, these little guys DO NOT hold back and get crazy close to you. See for yourself...

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See what I mean! ;) I honestly felt bad we didn't bring a treat along to feed them.

Anyway, we don't make it over to this area of town very much anymore so it had been a while since we visited this place. We spent this afternoon walking the same paths we used to together only this time, we spent most of our time talking about the present instead of the future. Because honestly, when you are married to the one you love, it feels like every moment you are living in a dream.

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The cemetery has this very old church-looking building on the grounds. Well, up until today we thought it was an old church anyway. Turns out, it actually has an entire family's caskets inside. Lovely! haha And it is lit at night. Could be straight from a horror movie! But it sure looks pretty from the outside... during the day!

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