August 15, 2013

a friday night date

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Usually our Friday night dates consist of dinner and a movie {inventive, I know} but a couple of weeks ago we decided to mix things up and try something new!! Nic's co-workers have been talking about getting into golfing on Friday afternoons so he inherited his dad's golf clubs and a couple of golfing magazines from his mom to learn "correct technique"... because lets face it, neither one of us has really ever been golfing aside from put put of course. ;)

We spent the evening hitting a bucket of balls on the driving range. I was an amateur who...
a) hit the green without making contact with the ball 
b) actually made contact with the ball which proceeded to plop approximately 2 inches in front of me 
c) missed the ball entirely.
Strike 3, you're out!!
Oh wait, wrong sport! ;)

Nic on the other hand, he's a pro that one! So glad we decided to risk making fools of ourselves in front of not only the adults with the perfect swings but the 10 year old kids that proved to be the next Tiger Woods. We laughed at ourselves.... A LOT. And loved every minute of it. You can bet that we will be going again and soon!

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