June 3, 2013

birthday weekend

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Nic came home from work Friday afternoon with an arm full of candy and the happiest grin you ever did see. His sweet co-workers threw him a birthday party for the afternoon {I'm glad he loves the people he works with!} so instead of coming home drained from a hard days work, he came home relaxed and ready to party for the weekend. Fine by me! In fact, what's a birthday weekend without celebrating EVERY DAY!

Saturday was his real birthday. He woke up to a kiss from Rue. Cutest picture of my life, I love it!!!

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 In the morning we went for a run. It turned out to be the most beautiful of days here which only added to the joy of the weekend! The run was followed by an at-home haircut. I must have been a hair dresser in another life because it takes a lot of skill to do what I do {buzz cut down to a 4}. ;) A hair cut and a shave were all it took to make him feel a little less like he was on the tail end of his 20's.

If you are anything like me, one look at my husband and you wouldn't ever guess that he was a total nerd until you got to know him. Well he wanted wireless head phones {bunny proof} that happened to glow blue in the dark. haha He spent part of the afternoon playing XBOX with his new headphones. Nerd alert! {I told ya!}

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On Saturday evening we met my mother-in-law at Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner. He had mentioned to her a few weeks prior about how him and his co-workers were going to be taking up golfing as a Friday afternoon bonding activity so she equipped him with everything he would need to become an avid golfer. After dinner we went and saw The Croods for the second time in the last couple weeks. Seriously, I missed 3/4 of the funny lines the first time we saw it because I was laughing SO hard. If you haven't seen it, go right.this.second. It is hilarious!

When the movie was over, we had ice cream with one lone birthday-singing candle because let's face it, there was no way I could fit 26 in there! And because every day on a birthday weekend should be a celebration, we had left over ice cream for dessert on Sunday too! 

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Hope you had the perfect birthday my love. 26 years looks good on you. :)
And a few family picture from the birthday weekend...

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