June 28, 2013

4th of July shelf decor

As promised yesterday, here they are in their full on festive glory... our new shelves decorated for the fourth! I decided to go with a picnic inspired theme because who doesn't love a good picnic/bbq on the 4th of July! 
 Links to where I got a few things below... 

 photo 062708_zps9e713be6.jpg

 photo 062705_zps116a2c2d.jpg

 photo 062704_zpsd1fab279.jpg

 photo 062706_zpsaafabaae.jpg

 photo 062707_zpsdb6919c7.jpg

gingham buckets from Target {in the dollar section} :: chalkboard from Joanne's :: aviator shades from the dollar store :: Land that I Love Printable from here :: 4th of July Subway Printable from here ::
star banner made by me, tutorial here

Red, white, and cute!! :) I couldn't be happier with how they turned out!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! You did a beautiful job decorating your shelves!!!
    - Shelley


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