May 23, 2013

our second anniversary

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating our first anniversary. In fact, it seems like just yesterday we were getting married. And man were those two perfect days! Tuesday was no different. In fact, can we just rewind so I can re-live it all over again?! Okay, thanks!

Nic left for work at his usual time with the promise that he would try his darndest to get off early. I felt fortunate to have a large portion of the day to get things ready as I was the one who wanted to surprise him this year. When he got home, I was just finishing up on the final touches and of course he showed up with a gorgeous bouquet of roses and tulips for our new shelves {kinda been my thing lately} like the hopeless romantic that he is. Loved it!

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And my surprise...
I had a bouquet of balloons waiting for him with something special tied to the bottom of each one! The pink ones were for a progressive dinner {he had to guess from the pictures of clues where we would be having drinks, an appetizer, dinner, and dessert}, green for the gifts I got him, red for a favorite picture and memory from each year we have been married, and blue for our date activities!

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We had smoothies from Jamba for drinks, shared a cactus blossom from Texas Roadhouse for an appetizer, shared a grilled chicken salad from Cafe Rio for dinner, and had a little frozen yogurt from Kiwi Loco for dessert. We had only done a progressive dinner one other time together but it was with a bunch of other couples where we went from house to house so it was fun just the two of us this time having a few of our favorite things!

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One of our date activities was put put golfing, something we did on our first date together at this very same course. See the one where Nic looks like he is rejoicing down there... he got a hole-in-one on the second hole. The SECOND hole! Who is this guy and where did he get his talent? I'll have you know it clearly did not rub off on me! My average... five puts per hole! :)

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And since I can't ACTUALLY relive this amazing day with this even more amazing man all over again, I'm so happy to have these pictures to remember it by. Happy Anniversary you! xoxo

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