May 16, 2013

Momma's Day

"Of all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them all."

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I felt so grateful on Sunday to be able to spend Mother's Day with my mom. Ever since I moved away, it doesn't always work out that we get to spend this holiday together. Some of my favorite memories are from Mother's Days when we would plant beautiful Spring flowers together and talk for hours about the ups and downs of life. While we weren't able to plant flowers together this year, we also didn't have to spend it apart and that meant so much to me.

My mom is my angel, my best friend, and the person I admire most in this world. She is strong, courageous, and loves me and my brother unconditionally. I am also blessed to have a mother-in-law who is equally as strong and courageous. I have never been more thankful to someone than I am to her for giving birth to a son who is unlike any other man I have ever met in this world and for raising him to be the complete gentleman that he is.

Happy Mother's Day!

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